80 Allen Corporation........... Almy Water Tube Boiler Co... American Bridge Co.......... American Ship Building Co... Babcock & Wilcox Co........ Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Boland & Cornelius.......... Carnegie Steel Company..... Charleston Dry Dock & Ma- mute Ca es} Clark Tructractor Co... 0... Coe 0 al ee Columbian Rope Co......... Cooper-Bessemer Corp., The. . Crandall Engineering Co., The Cummings Machine Works... Cutler-Hammer, Inc......... Dake Engine Co... 22.0025. Davis Engineering Corporation Dean Brothers Coie 6 oo. oo: De Laval Steam Turbine Co... Electric Boat Co.-New London Ship & Engine Wks........ Electric Storage Battery Co... Elwell-Parker Electric Co., The Farley, Edward P., & Co., Inc. Ferguson, F., & Son........ Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Tee OG a GS INDEX To ADVERTISERS 70 65 77 68 75 68 70 57 63 77 75 62 a General Blectric.Co:.. .. 2. S.: 9 Great Lakes Engineering Wks. 16 Griscom-Russell Co., The.... 77 Hamburg-American Line..... 68 Hyde Windlass Co... ..Back Cover Ingersoll-Rand Co. 2... 2.0.32. Inside Front Cover Isherwood, Sir Joseph W., & Oe te i ea eo 7 60 Jerguson Gage & Valve Co.... 75 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. 77 Lane, C. M. Lifeboat Co., Inc. 77 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. 77 Maryland Dry Dock Co...... 70 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc. 73 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Inside Back Cover New York Shipbuilding Co... 10 Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, ac EE at eee MARINE REvVIEw—J anuary, 1931 Ritchie, E. S., & Sons... 7 70 Samson Cordage Works...... 69 Selby, Battersby & Co....... 66 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co.... 73 Simmons Co... 11 Smith, Leathem D.,Dock Co.. 73 Sperry Gyroscope Co......... 15 Stamford Foundry Co........ 69 Standard Motor Construction Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey 73 Star Brass Mfe, Co... 5.23. 3 Stratford, George, Oakum Co. 69 Sturtevant, B. F., Co... Back Cover Submarine Signal Co......... 71 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock CO ee ee 14 Taylor Instrument Co’s...... 66 Todd Shipyards Corp. . Front Cover Troy Engine & Machine Co... 81 United Dry Docks, Inc....... 79 Vacuum Of Co, oe Westinghouse Electric & Manu- facturing Co, 7.2. 13 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co. 77 Whitlock Cordage Co........ 71