— ae 3 Sate A woke soe | 5: Rat geH® 5 pein C8887 | Sey we we le #2 g. © eis a as BS ty is he if men on a SINKIN rescued by a STANDARD The Schooner Scandia piled up ona D ] ESEL E acd Gi Re E fisted power of the engine, coupled knife-like reef in the North Pacific in with the direct- reversible feature a cold, black gale and was rapidly 6 DIRECT REVERSIBLE - yo which permitted quick maneuvering, tearing herself to bits when the fish- nove carried the fishing boat in and out ing boat, Duncan No. 1, heard the of the jagged jaws of death. A ce Standard is the only Diesel that gives you direct-reversing in three and four cylinder engines. No other en- gine can—it's a patented feature con- trolled exclusively by Standard. Write for descriptive literature and quote tions on your specific requirements. Ina pall of blackness, driving snow and a terrific sea, the Duncan No. 1 picked her way among the reefs, fought the waves that all but swallowed her and brought fifteen men to safety. Honor the skipper, his crew and his eroit =: byt honor, too, the sturdy The Standard Diesel line, includes 3, 4, 6and 8 cylinder full e : Standard Diesel 3 cylinder engine in Diesel engines ranging from 50 to 500 H. P. All models direct- STANDARD MOTOR CONSTRUCTION CO: é : reversible, even 3 and 4 cylinder engines, and all capable of the fishing boat. The consistent two- ample overload capacity. 184 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J A few good territories open—See us Motor Boat Show—Booth 407 “STAN DARD’ DIESEL ENGINE 82 MARINE REvIEw—January, 1931