“STANDARD” DIESEL FUEL Oi; Recommended by the leading Diesel manufacturers, “Standard” Diesel Fuel Oil enjoys world wide distribution and world wide use. Facilities for bunkering with this highly refined and clean power fuel are found in every port—made available by the vast organization of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. Use these facilities and receive this better Diesel Fuel Oil. Atlantic Coast Distributing Stations Astoria Topolobampo Liverpool Denmark Italy Greece New York Portland Yavaros ean Copenhagen Genca Pikbous Eeliiniors nea Panama Canal Newcastle Ny pore Venice Norfolk ae Balboa South Shields rete —— Roumania Baton Ketchikan West Indies rondes Haven Monopoli Constantza Portland Juneau St. Thomas Avowmonth Sweden Messina Chi Tacoma cca Le ae fons Gulf Coast Willbridge i ingston Stee eg ne Helsinborg Africa Shana iy Uricons Backs South America ne eve bees giers chang Baytown Bs Campana. France ; inglocide Hawaiian Islands => Buercs Aires a Germany eS Dairen Honolul 2 : Hambur u ae aioe — Sune Marseilles Nordenham Constantinople Japan Sabine Canada Azores Rouen Bremerhaven Nagasaki Galveston Halifax Ponta Delgada R Canal Yokohama Port Arthur North Vancouver C Verd Norway Holland uez Uana Itosaki Prince Rupert ape Verde Port Said Kohe Pacific Coast © Montreal Islands Bergen — Amsterdam One Be Reena Toco, B. C. Cape Vincent Oslo (Steilene) Rotterdam Steatia Poca Richmond Mexico United Kingdom : j Sch Podrs Mansanitio Pinficet Finland Belgium Settlement Sumatra San Diego Guaymas Southampton Helsingfors Antwerp Singapore Palembang STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY - 26 Broadway, New York Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of vessels 5k | HAMBURG-AMERICAN Z| LINE PASSENGER SERVICES: New York to Cherbourg, South- ampton and Hamburg. New York to Galway, Cobh (Queens- town), Cherbourg and Hamburg. North Pacific Ports to Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp via Panama Canal. PLEASURE CRUISES: Around the World, to the West Indies, Northern Wonderlands, Mediterranean. FREIGHT SERVICES: New York to Hamburg (8 days). Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk to Bremen and Hamburg. North Pacific Ports direct to Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 39 Broadway New York Providence, R. I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE FREE All Over the Lakes They’re Using Go into any port of consequence on the Great Lakes and you will find vessels using DAKE Steering Gears, Capstans, Windlasses or other auxiliaries. Ask: the owners and you will find they give efficient dependable service, with the least expense for upkeep. DAKE Auxiliaries are all simple of construction and very compact. They require less space and very little attention. Write for information on any auxiliaries you are interested in. Steering Gears, Capstans (hand and steam) Anchor Windlasses, Stage Hoists, Snub Line Winches, Spud Lifters, Net Lifters and Marine Castings. Dake Engine Co., “Saw Snub Line Winch 62 MARINE REVIEwW—March, 1931