SAMSON SPOT Log Lines Smooth, tough and durable; no adulterating material to stiffen it and decrease strength and durability. Solid braided of extra quality cotton yarn. Uniform in size and quality. Easily identified by the colored spots, our trade mark. We also manufacture flag halyards, lead lines, tiller rope; solid braided cotton cord in all sizes for various marine uses. Ask for catalog Trade Mark and samples. Reg. U.S, Pat. Off. “Then Ho for the sea so damp and free” Deep sea sailormen realize that in a well-caulked tight bottom lies not only the welfare of the vessel and the crew but the safe delivery of the cargo. For a hundred years, STRATFORD OAKUM has been keeping the ocean out of the finest ships that sail. Sailors de- pend on Stratford Oakum because they know it is the best. Stratford Oakum is most economical to use. Wastage is very small, less labor is required to spin and caulk and it “stays put,’? whether in deck, side or bottom. Seams right-caulked with Stratford Oakum will stay tight longer than by ciate reas ough eons Stratford Oakum SAMS ON CO George Stratford Oakum Company Jersey City, New Jersey 89 BROAD STREET Also Manufacturers of Cotton Wiping Waste RDAGE WORKS sex Boston, Mass. SIMPLEX A light weight, accurate and practical instrument for measuring the pitch and setting of propeller blades. Price $18.50 express paid. Return in 10 days if not entirely satisfied and the price will be refunded. Full instructions for using. BALE ENGINEERING CO. * PITCHOMETER 383 Oak Street Portland, Ore. RISCOM-RUSSELL Evaporators—Feed Water Heaters—Extraction Steam Heaters—Generator Air Coolers—Lubricating Oil Coolers—Steam, Air and Oil Separators — Filters — Strainers—Expansion Joints Described in bulletins which will be sent on request THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL COMPANY 285 Madison Avenue, NEW YORK CHICAGO: 20 North Wacker Drive Ship For Sale? If you have a passenger ship, freighter, tanker, tug or any other floating property or marine equipment for sale advertise it in Marine Review. The rate is $3.00 for a minimum advertisement of 30 words. Additional words, 10c each. All Over the Lakes They’re Using Go into any port of consequence on the Great Lakes and you will find vessels using DAKE Steering Gears, Capstans, Windlasses or other auxiliaries. Ask the owners and you will find they give efficient dependable service, with the least expense for upkeep. DAKE Auxiliaries are all simple of construction and very compact. They require less space and very little attention. Write for information on any auxiliaries you are interested in. Steering Gears, Capstans (hand and steam) Anchor Windlasses, Stage Hoists, Snub Line Winches, Spud Lifters, Net Lifters and Marine Castings. .... Dake Engine Co., “‘Micnican™ MARINE REview—April, 1931 Tit