sR aene Largest American-built Yacht—Twin Screw Turbine Electric—Built by Bath Iron Works Corp., 1930, for J. Pierpont Morgan AmericanShipbuildingS ets NewMark Now Greater Than Before the War EASURED by direct re- Smith, president of the National turns the merchant ma- rine act of 1928, known as the Jones-White law, has had a very stimulating effect on shipbuilding in the Council of American Shipbuilders said in part: “The general level of the ship- building has held up well during the United States. The results may be said to have ex- ceeded anticipation. On March 1 according to a sur- vey made by the shipping board 26 vessels for for- eign trade, costing in the aggregate $116,838,324, were under construction in American shipyard and in addition five vessels are being reconstructed for overseas trade at a cost of $8,838,850. The majority of these vessels will be operated in services to for- eign ports covered by ocean mail contracts awarded under the terms of this beneficial law. Loans amounting to 75 per cent of the construction cost have been authorized by the shipping board. Of the total loans authorized for this program of new shipbuilding amounting to $93,558,741, the sum of $10,316,498 has already been advanced and _ the average state of comple- tion is 33 per cent. In a statement made March 18 fo. Cole Arthur - Woods, chairman of the _ Presi- dent’s emergency commit- tee for employment, H, G. 12 Motive Power Compared—Two Years depression. The construction vol- ums now under way is greater than that of a year ago.— “Therefore most American ship- builders have been able to contri- materially to the maintenance of employ- ment. Their program has been aided by an increas- bute Types iony ado ios aeres ae volume of loans to Steam reciprocating coal burner... 20 1915.4 124 shipewery ao ite pe Steam reciprocating oil burner... . 16 1 Sel 25S L023 ping board, facilitating Steam turbine coal burners. (40.5: 0 1 0.0 0.7 private construction under Steam turbine oil burner Peas 15 TSS le Se 1 ORS a plan of repayment as the shes Soe ee oe eee 40 BD 30.8 S59 work progresses. Loans gine electric drive. 2 5... : Turbine electric oil burner........ fi i on ae during 1930 were about Turbine electric coal burner... . . I 2 09 1.4 $24,000,000 and the sit : 2 mate for 1931 more than Te 130 145 100.0 100.9 || doubles this amount with Recapitulating for Primary Power $51,000,000 worth of work contemplated under the T No. Per Cent federal plan.’’ It is inter- a has . 1930 1929 1930 1929 esting to note according to “ oe primary power....... 70 Gs 538 aes a memorandum issued by ese S primary power........ 60 80. -46.2 °° 552 the ecommerce depart- Potals, 2.6055 130 §=145 100.0 100.0 ment’s transportation di Recapitulating for Power at Propeller vision that the shipyards of the United States on Dec. 31, 1930 were puild- No. Per Cent St oh 1930 1929 1930 1929 ing 85,000 tons more than Dine Dee. and gears. 20s 51 AD 2739.2 (33.8 they were before the war, Bieme ste, drive. win ones 40 BA a0 oo while world construction J eam and diesel....... 39 44 .30.0 - 30,3 fell off 836,000 gross tons i fore POC ee 130 145 100.0 100.0 from the total just be ye R j H the war. During the que ecapitulating for Fuel ter ended Dec. 31, 1 . : how- No. Per Cent American shipyards s oe 1930 1929 1930 1929 ed a gain of about 20,000 ee cee Sey yee a 21 2b Feb apes gross tons. Comparison ot en ee Mer Olkn ey 49 Ae 37.7, 308 the volume of shipbuilding er Diesel ofl as fuel... 60 80 46.2 559 aE as Jas during the last ae 030 Totals... ; how Sea 130 §=145 100.0 100.0 ters of 1930s wate MARINE REview—April, 1931 gross tons for the