50 Name—Fryine Pan (Lightship No. 115) Owner—Bureau of Lighthouses Builder—Charleston Dry Dock & Mach. Co. Naval Architect—Bureau of Lighthouses Launched—Aug. 13, ’29; completed Apr. 9, ’30 Sister Ship—Frnwick (Lightship No. 116); NANTUCKET (Lightship No. 117); respectively launched, Oct; 22, 729; Mar. 15, 30; com- pleted June 23, ’30; Sept. 3, ’30. Also Light- ships 100, 1138, 114 respectively Btiunts, SWIFTSURE, Fire ISLAND, built by the Albina Marine Iron Works HULL PARTICULARS Length over all, 133 feet 3 inches; length between perpendiculars, 108 feet 9 inches; breadth molded, 30 feet; depth molded, 15 feet to main deck; draft, 11 feet 9 inches forward, 13 feet 38 inches aft; displacement loaded, 630 tons; bunker diesel fuel oil capacity in tons, 80; in gallons, 20,000; speed, 9 knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engines—Four, Winton marine diesel engines of 112 horsepower each at 400 revolu- tions per minute. Main Generators—Four, General Electric, each direct connected to one of the diesel engines described above. Size, each 75 kilo- watts 113 horsepower; no exciters; direct cur- rent propelling motor; one General Electric, tions per minute. DESCRIPTION There are six light- ships in this category built by two different yards. They are all steel vessels and retain in general the outward appearances of pre- vious lightships. The machinery, however, is entirely different, be- ing. diesel _ electric. These new vessels are not only efficient from a mechanical point of view, but are also ex- cellent sea boats. Auxiliary Generators—Two, each 7% kilo- watts, General Electric, driven by Cummins die- sel engines. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of: Pumps—wWorthington Pump & Mach. Corp. Windlass—Hyde Windlass Co. Winches—Hyde Windlass Co., Electro Dynamic electric motor Steering Engine—Hand with Hyde unit Propellers—Charleston Dry Dock & Mach. Co. Oil Burning Equipment—Ray Refrigeration—Frigidaire Stern Bearing—Goodrich, Cutless type Telegraphs—Chas. Cory Corp. Marine Hardware—The Dayton Mfg. Co. Electric Air Oscillator—Submarine Signal Co. The rigging is of schooner type with two masts, each surmounted by lighthouse service standard lanterns. There is one oil burning donkey boiler used for heating the vessel. The single screw is driven by an electric motor, developing about 250 shaft horsepower. In going to diesel electric propulsion, it was anticipated that the electric motors would de- teriorate less quickly and would require less attention than steam engines when ‘dle over long periods of time. The electric equipment, taking everything into account, weighs less than steam equipment and is more economical. ‘fear a ee a erin —— | 4 = ; ee sgarzeanseiveusease m= ae foe Eat a Sette Beene eee ee oe oe DE ye potty MARINE REvVIEw—April, 1931