SHARPLES STILL HOLDS THE RECORD FOR OUTSTANDING MARINE CENTRIFUGAL INSTALLATIONS 1930 was a Sharples year! And 1931 un- questionably will be another Sharples year. With but very few exceptions, Sharples Super Centrifugals have been selected and installed on America’s most important ships launched or placed in commission during the past year. There is a good reason for this enviable rec- ord: Unequalled Centrifugal Performance on the High Seas. A FEW OUTSTANDING SHARPLES TRIUMPHS M. S. “CITY OF NEW YORK” STANDARD TRANSPORTATION CO. Largest Diesel passenger and freight ship ever built M. S. “Brilliant” M. S. “Daylight” in this country. (American South African Line) WARD LINE S. S. “G. HARRISON SMITH” S. S. “Morro Castle” S. S. “Oriente” S. S. “W. S. FARISH” These two ships are the largest steam-propelled tank MATSON NAVIGATION , | “ce ships ever built in this country. (Standard Shipping Co.) Ss. S. “Mariposa” Cie Monterey” S. S. (Unnamed as yet) “HERBERT HOQVER’” Most powerful Diesel Tug ever built in this country. GRACE LINES S. S. “Santa Clara” TIDEWATER OIL COMPANY ee M. S. “Tidewater Associated” NEW YORK & PORTO RICO 5. 8. CO. M. S. “Tidewater” S S. “Borinquen” U.S. NAVY SUN OIL COMPANY Cruiser ‘“‘Salt Lake City” U.S. Submarine “V-6” Wes: M. S. “Chester Sun” M. S. “Western Sun” WS. Cruiser. U. S. > ubmarine ““V-7” U.S. M. S. “Eastern Sun” M. S. “Northern Sun” Cruiser -—--———_-———__ U.S. Submarine EXPORT S. S. COMPANY U. 5S. NAVY ese VA. : Soe i a YACH S. S. _ excalibur 2 S. S. _pxeter M/Y “Cambriena” M/Y “Nakhota” M/Y ‘‘Reene” S. S. Exochorda S. 8. Excambion” M/Y “‘Lotoslz-nd” M/Y “Intreped” M/Y “Aras” THE SHARPLES SPECIALTY COMPANY, 2338 WESTMORELAND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Boston, New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, Tulsa, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto. Factories in England and France. CENTRIFUGAL ENGINEERS * «© PHILADELPHIA 56 MARINE REview—April, 1931