v9 TE6L ‘dy—Malagy aANruvyy ‘Merchant Steel Vessels Over 100 Tons Under Construction in American Shipyards During 1930 Vessels Completed, Alphabetically Arranged H.P. Len. Beam Dep. Fuel Remarks Status Vessel Yard Type Class Gross Owners Mach. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. AIMOTICAN saree! Canulette S. B. Co........... Mee Boat WRivers cS 209 =r ics ies he ee Recip. 100) 22, es tee Coal River Towing Completed Amberst. oe Fore River, Beth. S. B. Co...Trawler Ocean 167 General Sea Foods Corp... . .Oil Eng. 375 110 22 116 Oil Off Shore Fishing Completed APQUs cs esi eee Spedden Shipbuilding Co.....Patrol Harbor 248 War Department........... Recip. 550 121514 24 133 Oil Supervisor N. Y. Harbor Completed Brilliant. 55 ss aie Sun’S. B.& D- D. Co... 32.0 <. Tanker Ocean 9078 Standard Transp. Co........ Oil Eng. 3000 498 659 37 Oil Oil Tanker—Ocean Service Completed Buckeye State.......... St. Lawrence Mar. Repair Co..Cargo Canal 1605 Federal Motorship Corp... ..Oil Eng. 720 255 436 18 Oil 2000 tons Capacity Completed Carolinians eae Charleston D.D. & Mach. Co..Tanker Harbor 226 M.L.Clark............... Oil Eng. 180 120 23 10 Oil Welded Construction Completed Chelsea i cae ‘Todd Shipyards35 6.585 Ferry Harbor 239 City of New York.......... Oil Elec. 300 1016 30 11 11% Oil Passenger and Vehicle Completed Chester Suns 0225 co. Sun S. B. & D. D. Co........ Tanker Ocean 9085 Motor Tankship Corp....... Oil Eng. 3000 498 659 37 Oil Oil Tanker—Ocean Service Completed City of Flint: 3233 03.03 .:. Manitowoc S. B. Corp........Carferry Lakes 3327 Pere Marquette Railway....Turb. Elec. 7200 3816 57 226 Coal Twin Screw Single Ended Completed City. of Hampton: >: 2... Maryland Dry Dock Co...... Ferry Harbor 441 Norfolk Ferry Co........... Oil Eng. 600 157 41° 116 Oil Passenger & Auto Ferry Completed City of New York....... Sun S. B. & D. D. Co........ P. Car. Ocean 8272 Amer.South African Line, Inc.Oil Eng. 5400 4708 616 37 Oil Twin Screw Cargo & Pass. Completed City of Norfolk......... Hampton Roads S. B. Co... ..Ferry Harbor 597 Norfolk County Ferries Co...Oil Elec. 650 173 57 14 Oil Norfolk-Portsmouth Ferry Completed Cleveland 32 Pusey & Jones Corp.......... T. Boat Harbor 234 Erie Railroad.............. Oil Elec. 1000 108 26134139 Oil Harbor Towing Completed Comet 33 i eee Sun S: B. & D:D. Co... 22... Tanker Ocean 9153 Standard Transp. Co... Shaan Recip. 3600 498 659 37 Oil Oil Tanker—Ocean Service Compieted Cornell Soe eee ae Fore River, Beth. S. B. Co....Trawler Ocean 167 General Sea Foods Corp.....Oil Eng. 375 110 22 116 Oil Off Shore Fishing Completed Dartmouth. oe ke es Fore River, Beth. S. B. Co....Trawler Ocean 167 General Sea Foods Corp... ..Oi: Eng. 375 110 22 116 Oiju Off Shore Fishing Compieted De Voe & Harold....... United Dry Docks, Inc....... T. Boat Harbors 284 Balt. & Ohio Railroad....... Recip. 900 1186 25 13 6 Coal Shifting & Towing Boats Completed Dorothy Barrett........ Canulette S. B:'Col. e022. T. Boat Rivers 180 American Barge Line Inc... .Recip. 700 142 32 510 Coai River Towing Completed Du Bois Pies ee ek United Dry Docks, Inc.......Tug Ocean 301 Henry Du Bois Sons Co.....Recip. 950 128 27 14 Oil General Towing Completed Eastern Sun............ Sun S. B. & D. D. Co........ Tanker Ocean 9089 Motor Tankship Corp....... Oil Eng. 3000 498 659 37 Oil Bulk Oil Carrier—Ocean Compieted Edward G. Seubert...... Manitowoc S. B. Corp........ Tanker Lakes 4432 Standard Oil Co., (Ind.):.... Recip. 2400 4007 533 27 Oil Tanker—Great Lakes Completed Eugene P. Thomas...... Great Lakes Eng. Works..... Cargo Lakes 7869 Pittsburgh Steamship Co... .Recip. 2200 604 60 32 Coal Bulk Freighter—Great Lakes Completed Excalibur ..63 ae New York S. B. Co.......... Pass. Ocean 9359 Export Steamship Corp...... Turbine 8695 4754 616 423 Oil New York—Mediterranean Completed Fordham 5.5) 2.53 3s Bath Iron Works............ Fishing Coast 256 Bay State Fish Co.......... Oil Eng. 550 1324 24 13 Oil Ocean Trawier Completed Ge Be LOMmng or Spedden Shipbuilding Co.....Tug Harbor 300* U.S. Public Health Ser...... Oil Eng. 330 90 20 ve Oil Quarantine, Boston Completed G. Harrison Smith...... Federal S. B. & D. D. Co.....Tanker Ocean 11752 Standard Shipping Co....... Turbine 4000 544 74 406 Oil Tanker Ocean Service Completed Indianage Soe ees Charles Ward Eng. Wks...... T. Boat Rivers 1323 Miss. Valley Barge Line.....Turb. Elec. 2000 200 40 106 Oil River Towing Completed Ira S: Bushey. 32.3 52: Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc....Tanker Harbor 241 United Pet. Trans. Co. Inc...Oil Eng. 240 ae ae a Oil Tanker—Harbor Completed Irene W. Allen.......... Beth. S. B. Co. Sp. Pt........ Tanker Harbor 982 Lake Tankers Corp......... Oil Eng. 600 209 38 146 Oil Harbor and Coast Completed FEASCA oe ee General Engineering Co...... Cutter Ocean 2000* U.S. Coast Guard.......... Turb. Eiec. 3220 250 42 26 10 Oil Similar to Chelan Completed James W. Good......... Dubuque Boat & Boiler Co...T. Boat Rivers 530 Inland Waterways Corp.....Recip. 1000 160 42 6 Oil Upper Mississippi Div. Completed Joe Cook j3055 Sure Se: Nashville Bridge............ T. Boat Rivers 163% "Pittsburgh: so) os ee Recip. 180 = ER Se Coal Towing Rivers Completed Justine C. Allen......... Beth. S. B. Co. Sp. Pt........ Tanker Harbor 982 Lake Tankers Corp.........Oil Eng. 600 209 38 146 Oil Harbor & Coast Completed K. Whittelsey.......... Spedden Shipbuilding Co.....T. Boat Harbor 185 Oil Transfer Corp........... On Eng. 800 95 22 14 Oil Coastwise Towing Completed Lightship We tia. Albina Marine Iron Wks...... L. Ship Coast 675* U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. . . Oil Elec. 350 1333 30 15 Oil Four Generating Sets Completed Lightship No. 114....... Aibina Marine Iron Wks...... L. Ship Coast 675* U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. .. Oil Elec. 350 1333 30 15 Oil Four Generating Sets Completed Lightship No. 115....... Charleston D. D. & M. Co....L. Ship Coast 630* U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. . . Oil Elec. 350 1333 30 15 Oil Four Generating Sets Completed Lightship No. 116....... Charleston D. D. & M. Co....L. Ship Coast 675* U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. . . Oi Elec. 350 1333 30 15 Oil Four Generating Sets Completed Lightship No. 117....... Charieston D. D. & M. Co....L. Ship Coast 675* U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. . . Oil Elec. 350 1333 30 15 Oil Four Generating Sets Completed EEABUOR ce ieee ke oe Charleston D. D. & M. Co....Survey Harbor 330 U.S. Engineers (Phila.)..... Oil Elec. 450 1054 22 106 Oil Harbor Survey Work Completed