Marine Review The National Publication Covering the Business of Transportation by Water CLEVELAND FOUNDED 1878 NEW YORK CONTENTS Vol. 61 April 1931 | No. 4 = = = Page American Shipbuilding in 1980. .......0....6.0c0c.ccievecssccsessee 12 By A. H. Jansson Distinctive Ships—Where to Find Them .................... 13 = ai Shipbuilding Record Jan. 1, ’30, to Jan. 1, ’31....64-65-66 ESTHE BUSINESS OF NS EORTATION BY WATERSS S. S. Florida Launched at Newport News ...............00655 67 : a Inland Waterways—Transportation on—Part [........ 69 By E. C. Powers Published thly b A A ° . TI e Pentor Publishir ng ; Marine Terminal Design, Operating Point—Part Il..... 74 1 > i e e e : a : Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A By Harris, Stocker, Ferguson & Bessey Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. Refractory Brick in Marine Boilers (Conclusion) ...... 78 A. H. Jansson, Editor iffi H. O. Taylor, Advertising Manager By ©. A. Griffiths New Construction Ordered and Contemplated ............ 80 Chicago Office, 1347 Peoples Gas Bldg. L. C. Pelott Stevedoring and Dock Management Progress ............ 84 Fred B. Pletcher Steel Hatch Covers for Greater Safety and Less Cost N York Office, 220 Broad ° © Iosaah Fuller, Caan Alan x By Capt. Tvede and H. EH. Stocker = < rie ieaa No Hand Trucks Used in Three Years’ Operation oe By H. EB. Stocker ee oe 507-8 Oliver Bids. Personal Sketches of Marine Men ...............cccsceseseeeenees 88 - H. Jasper Ms G. Gude William H. Todd, Pres. Todd Shipyards Corp. San Francisco Office, 681 Market St. By Ben K. Price ; N. C. Nourse Useful Hints on Cargo Handling ..............:::eseeys 90 Washington, D. C. Office, ug 1020 National Press Building Maritime Law—Late Decisions ..................cceeeeeeeeeeserees 92 L. M. L Te By Harry Bowne Skillman ee a Equipment Used Afloat and AShore ...........::.:c:ccceseeeees 94 Vincent Delport Ports—Marine Business Statistics Condensed ............ 96 MARINE REVIEW is a member of the Audit Subscription United States and its posses- Bureau of Circulations, Associated Busi- sions, $8 per year; Canada $4.00; Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as av Back numbers over three months 50 ond Class Matter, aie ay oe rhe cents. Cable addresses: Penton, Cleve- arch 8, 1879. Copyrig land, and Irotrapen, London. ness Papers Inc. and the National Pub- 3 Great Britain and other Foreign Coen: lishers Association, Entered at th (i Q tries, £1:0:0. Single copies 35 cents. Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. i i rganization whose members have pledged themselves ‘ - ~ ge ages ike Brit in which the interests of the — of pps a 8 rae trade and professions are placed first—a code demanding Ps ieee edit - iat’ ages, classified and_ verified paid subscribers, and honest advertising es of dependable products. Marine Review—April, 1931