MAINTAINING A PROGRESSIVE RECORD Right—Main circulating water pump of the new Export Line steamship Excalibur, power- ed by a Westinghouse Dual Motor Drive. These motors are of 50 hp. each and are of the drip-proof, semi-enclosed, self-ventilated type, designed especially for marine service and principally used for underdeck auxiliaries. They provide complete protection of the elec- trical parts from moisture and dripping water. Left—Electrified steering gear of the Texas Com- pany 17,000-ton tanker ‘Australia’, powered by two Westinghouse Drip-proof Motors. All field coils and armature windings of these motors are treated with moisture resisting compound and all parts subject to rust are sherardized. The envi- able records established in marine circles by West- inghouse Drip-proof Motors are due to the careful attention to details in their desi gn and construction. a, PST RD ; Peso wise Caer Seer | COC ee OT elt TE Soran mene DA EE ES ee hae mE ee Aan NNN Te Maintain American Shipping by Patronizing American Ships Westinghouse T 31796 TUNE IN THE WESTINGHOUSE PROGRAM OVER KDKA, KYW, WBZ AND ASSOCIATED N. B. C. STATIONS SUNDAY EVENINGS. 14 MARINE REVIEw—May, 1931