- Jow. A flexible side rail at the right is pushed against the side of the trailer by a large lever. In this man- ner the speed of the trailers is com- pletely controlled regardless of the weight of the load. Trailers are brought out of the ship by an escala- tor. When power equipment is used in a terminal the electricity or gaso- line consumed is so small that the effect of a poor floor is of small con- sequence. The chief disadvantage of poor floors on power equipment is the delay caused by stopping to pick up packages jarred off the trucks or trailers and the slower speed re- quired to reduce this to the mini- mum. Often this results in a 50 per cent reduction in the speed. Money expended in providing good floors in new terminals or improving bad floors in terminals already construct- ed, is a wise investment. The development of special cargo handling and transporting apparatus is more or less recent. It should be kept in mind that the future of this will be subject to considerable fur- ther development or variation, per- haps in directions which may not be at present foreseen and that termi- nals should be laid out with a view to their ready adaptation, if possible, to changing future use and require- ments. This points to the desirabil- ity, in general marine terminal de- sign and construction, of avoiding as far as possible, too much specializa- tion in the design for handling equip- ment, remembering that a_ present tenant or user may in five or ten years, or more, be replaced by one requiring different facilities. In short, design of fixed structures should provide for adaptability and flexibility in use of equipment. Shed doors are important from the cargo handling standpoint particular- ly as to their spacing, ease of open- ing and closing and protection af- forded cargo from weather. Doors should be provided along the whole length of the shed used for docking ships. This arrangement i UUEUTUUUTENNUTCUUTETUVIUYEAUTTA YUL Western Maryland Terminal Balti- more. Rectangular openings in deck in front of doors to drain off wate. Lip on door fits into groove in pier deck ULLAL ALOE LUUUHAA TCA makes docking of ships with hatches in proper relation to doors compara- tively easy and shortens the trucking distances in handling freight to and from ships, barges, and other craft. This is another application of the straight line production principle to shipping. Door spacing is especially important where aprons are narrow. Doors should be durable and of type not interfering with cargo stow- age in opening and closing, be easily operated, and should have at the floor proper provision to lead the water away from the interior. Lighting is another important phase of terminal design. The sub- ject of proper lighting of terminals and its importance from the stand- point of economical handling of car- go and safety cannot be over em- phasized. Natural and artificial light- ing is particularly important in reduction of personal injury risks as well as in the improvement of work- ing efficiency. In the design of a terminal it is essential that proper facilities be pro- vided for the personnel. In these facilities should be included toilets, rest rooms, ete. This should be done not alone from the standpoint of hygiene but because it is economi- cal, saving much lost time of steve- dores and other labor. It is also in accord with modern industrial prac- tice. The handling of bulk cargoes in- volves special problems and space does not permit going into details in this paper. Where bulk cargoes are voluminous and homogenous their handling affords the best oppor- tunity for the application of modern engineering principles and the most economical transportation results. The transportation movements through the Great Lakes, in coal, ore and grain, are the best examples of this,— illustrating an almost ideal co-ordination of land and _ water transportation, terminal and _ han- dling facilities. Naturally, a similar degree of efficiency cannot be hoped for in the handling of complex gen- eral merchandise, but there is much room for improvement and bulk handling methods may point the way to some efficiencies in general cargo handling. The unproductive port time of ships can, of course, be shortened principally by the efficient loading, discharging and handling of the cargoes. Other essentials for keep- ing port time at a minimum are the avoidance of use of unnecessary time in the servicing of ships with fuel, Upper Deck Pier 6, Bush Terminal, Brooklyn, masts for assisting ship’s gear. Electric pier winches are also provided. MARINE REVIEW—May, 1931 N. Y. is equipped with booms at doorway instead of cargo American-Hawaiian Line 39