Becomes General Manager of |. M. M. in New York RESIDENT P. A. S. Franklin of the International Mercantile Ma- rine Co. announced on April 1 the ap- pointment of A. J. McCarthy, as gen- eral manager of the company in New York, in charge of the operation of all steamers and terminals. Mr. Mc- Carthy has been in recent years man- ager of the company’s American-flag tonnage and is well known in ship- ping circles in all Atlantic ports and at Washington. He entered the trans- atlantic trade 33 years ago, becoming manager of the Leyland line at Port- land, Me., and was_ subsequently transferred to the International Mer- cantile Marine Co.’s Boston office as assistant manager, finally going to New York as an aide during the war period. Mr Me Carthy ren- dered notable service during the World war, repre- senting his company on the_ special patrol board of the navy, in connection with the pur- chasing and outfitting of many vessels participating in war activities. His appointment as manager is an excellent selection. A. J. McCarthy Todd Executives Promoted At a meeting of the board of direc- tors of Todd Shipyards Corp., New York, three executives of subsidiary companies were appointed vice-presi- dents of the parent corporation. The executives appointed in recognition of their long and efficient services are: J. Herbert Todd, president of Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp., Brooklyn ; George Dawe, president of Robins Dry Dock & Repair Co., Brook- lyn, and George G. Raymond, presi- dent of Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co., Hoboken, N. Y. John D. Reilly, assistant to President William H. Todd since the inception of the Todd Shipyards Corp., in June, 1916, was also appointed a vice-president. These appointments went into effect April 1, the beginning the new fiscal year of the corporation. Directors Are Reelected Stockholders of the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. re-elected directors whose terms had expired and trans- acted routine business at a meeting at Kast Pittsburgh, Pa., on April 8. Di- rectors re-elected were: E. M. Herr, vice chairman, and L. A. Osborne, vice president of the Westinghouse com- pany; H. B. Rust, president of the | Koppers company; and Samuel M. Vauclain, chairman of the board, Baldwin Locomotive Works. Current assets as of last Dec. 31 were $115,104,125 or seven and _ one-half times current liabilities of $15,186,858. A. S. Du rrant Retires Arnold Stuart Durrant, for the past six years vice president in charge of commercial relations of the Interna- tional General Electric Co. Inc., re- tired from active service on March 1, and was made an honorary vice presi- dent of the company following a con- nection of 40 years with the General Electric organization. Born in the British West Indies, Mr. Durrant was educated in England, and came to this country in 1890. Soon thereafter he entered the employe of the Edison United Electric Co., later known as the General Electric Co., and in 1896 went to Schenectady. Upon for- mation of the International General Electric Co., Mr. Durrant was made manager of the Department of the Americas. In 1925 he was elected vice president in charge of all commercial relations of that company. R. J. Ringwood of San Francisco on April 7 was appointed Pacific Coast freight traffic manager of the Panama Pacific line, an American flag subsidi- ary of the International Mercantile Marine Co., which operates an express passenger and freight service between New York and California ports via the Panama canal. Mr. Ringwood has spent practically his entire career in the steamship business on the West coast and had been for several years past freight traffic manager of the Pacific Steamship Co. Wins Staff Promotion BE. H. Cocke, formerly assistant pas- senger traffic manager, who was ap- pointed assistant general manager of the International Mercantile Marine Co., effective April 7, will take over the work of W. H. Hoskier, formerly traffic manager of the Panama Pacific line. Mr. Cocke joined the operating de- partment of the International Mer- cantile Marine Co. in Philadelphia in 1919 and later became assistant man- ager of that organization. He then went to Cleveland to assume charge of both passenger and freight traffic and subsequently served as passenger manager of the Chicago office, from which position he was transferred to New York as assistant passenger traffic manager of the company with supervision over first class, cabin, sec- ond class and tourist third class busi- ness. MARINE REVIEW—May, 1931 To Establish Organization on Pacific Coast W H. HOSKIER, newly appoint- ed Pacific coast manager of the International Mercantile Marine Co., left New York on April 18 for San Francisco where he will make his fu- ture headquarters. He will devote his time immediately to the completion of plans which have been under way for some months to establish on the West coast the company’s own organization and terminals for the handling of its business. Piers have already been assigned to the Panama Pacific line at San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Freight offices for the line will be es- tablished shortly in conjunction with the International Mercantile Marine Co.’s San Francisco passenger offices in a new location. Freight offices will also be established in Los Angeles and San Diego and Mr. Hos- kier expects to have the new depart- ment function- ing about June 1. Mr. H os k i er joined the op- erating _ staff of the. Inter- national Mer- cantile M a- rine Co. on Oct. 20, 1919 as assistant to A. J. McCarthy, manager, at a time when the company was operating 70 steamers of the shipping board. Later he became assistant manager of the company and in 1926 was ap- pointed traffic manager of the Pan- ama Pacific line, from which position he went to his new post at San Fran- cisco. W. H. Hoskier William B. Wheeler, who resigned as passenger traffic manager of the United Fruit Co. some months ago, has been appointed assistant passen- ger traffic manager of the Grace line, Before joining the United Fruit Co., with which he was connected in vari- -ous capacities for more than 16 years, Mr. Wheeler had been general agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad in Chicago and Buffalo and also had been on the passenger staffs of the Lackawanna, Union Pacific, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy. He is rec- ognized as a traffic expert. Move New York Offices The Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. announces the removal of its New York offices from 233 Broadway to 90 Broad street, effec- tive April 25. 55