Hicu ‘seas and old fashioned rope make a poor combination. When decks are awash, a line which is flexible when wet is the only line that can be handled satisfactorily. Old fashioned rope is never flexible after a wetting, while Guaranteed Columbian 1s more flexible than any rope under these conditions. The reason is that Columbian is thor- oughly waterproofed. No amount of immersion in water will injure Columbian Tape- Marked Rope. There are many other reasons why Columbian has a decided preference in the marine field. It has great strength and durability. It isa perfectly balanced line. It will not kink and is rot proof.’ And the famous Yape-Marker which is found in one of the strands brings the manufacturer’s personal Guarantee direct to the user. 7 For the most service, wet or dry, take aboard Columbian Tape-Marked Rope. Any Columbian line, 34 inches or larger in diameter is instantly identified by the red, white and blue surface markers. Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, “The Cordage City,” N. Y. COLUMBIAN :iROPE MARINE REVIEW—May, 1931 67