WE BUILD DUMP SCOWS- Let these photographs tell ERE is a story of day-by-day progress on a scow job reported by the camera. It says two things at least to the ae = _ : thoughtful reader. It reminds him that we build dump scows, car ferries, tugs, sand suckers, dredgers, freighters and every type of ship used on the Great Lakes. And it says also that when the job starts, it goes forward fast. And is delivered per contract—or better. It may also suggest to you some of ey JANUARY Ioth s 4 ‘gy. the advantages of the strength, re- oe , , , sources and complete equipment of American Ship and what they mean to you in the way of complete depend- ability when you want ship repairs or alterations. Five conveniently located ship yards working under one policy—dependable work only—are ready to serve you 1931 whenever you say the word. ~ The AMERICA CLEVELAND Lorain BuFFALO American Ship American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Building Co. Building Co. Company 6 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1931