He ge © eer geo eet ee fF ge ee OF e€ ge SEES e . ® eee ee ee eee , ae REE ge ee RS gE R e 3 84 Largest American-built merchant ship now under construction for the United States Lines at the yard of the New York Shipbuilding Company. N American Merchant Marine ships and are willing to make such is an important factor in the pros- sacrifice as may be necessary to have perity of every section of our country a merchant marine. They insist that and in the welfare of every citizen. the goods they import must be carried in the ships of their flag and they see ign nati : If foreig tions control the to it that the goods they export are bd . ° world’s deepwater tonnage in times Catied tn dices manecee of stress or national emergency our markets are limited to their will. When American Citizens Develop a Loyalty for their own Ships, the The people of our chief shipping Problem of our Merchant Marine will competitors know the vital need of be largely Solved. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Mazin Office and Works; New York Office: CAMDEN, N. J. 420 LEXINGTON AVE. sll lls Vol. 61, No. 7, July, 1931, issue of MarIne Review, published monthly at Cleveland, O. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Cleveland, Ohio, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 a year in U. S.: Canada. $4.00: Great Britain, £1; single copies, 35¢