tains the advantages of the oil ring type of lubrication and is completely adaptable for marine applications. Advantages of the type QS bearings may be classified as operational and dimensional. Continuity of oil ring Oil Ring Type Marine Bearing Designed for 10 Degree Tilt Fore and Aft and 15 Degree Roll rotation under extreme conditions of tilt is obtained by a special construc- tion of brass guide fingers on the walls of each ring chamber. The guide fingers limit the ring contact surface and the frictional torque tend- ing to stop the ring and act satisfac- torily as ring guides and oil wipers. Ring operation under tilt conditions - is maintained by a decrease in the oil film between it and the bearing shaft, as the ring tends to ride on its outer edge in the tilt position The de- creased oil film increases friction be- tween the rotating shaft and ring, which results in an actual increase in the speed of the ring. An outstanding advantage of the type Oil Ring Speed “nin 500 1000 [500 2000 Shaft Speed '/min Curves Showing Oil Ring Speed Plotted Against Shaft Speed in Feet Per Min- ute for (1) No Roll, No Tilt, (2) No Roll, 10 Degree Tilt, and (3) 15 Degree Roll, 10 Degree Tilt QS bearing is the constancy of speed of ring rotation, and of oil delivery, independent of shaft speed. Ideal conditions of lubrication have been obtained with the securing of an ade- quate oil supply at low speeds, and In the elimination of excessive amounts of oil and leakage at high Speeds. A section of the ring and its ‘characteristic curves are shown in the accompanying illustrations. The QS bearing delivers about twice the quantity of oil as the con- ventional ring type bearing. The usual Safeguards against leakage of oil ring bearings are incorporated. A substantial reduction in space re- quirements is afforded as the new bearing is smaller in both length and diameter than the disc type. Portable Cranes Usefu! in Cargo Handling NE of the four new types of portable cranes recently put out by the Lewis-Shepard Co., Boston, is shown below and is known as the hinged type, both the boom and the main upright being hinged. The ad- vantage of this type of crane is that it can be taken through practically any doorway and yet can be used to the full height of the ceiling. The other types of cranes are the tele- scopic, revolving hinged and revolv- ing telescopic. All machines can be furnished with a hand worm drive winch, a hand spur drive winch and an electric drive winch. Air motor and gas engine can also be utilized Hinged Type of Lewis-Shepard Stand- ard Portable Crane where conditions require. Heights of the cranes vary from six to 14 feet and capacities from 500 to 2000 pounds. New Machine Has Built-In Dust Removal System UNIQUE feature in the new model dustless take-about sander recently brought out by the Porter-Cable-Hutchinson Corp., Syra- cuse, N. Y., known as Type B-10, is the dust removal system which has MARINE REview—July, 1931 been built into the machine. A dou- ble blade fan traveling at 10,000 revolutions per minute creates a pow- erful vacuum which draws the dust through ports directly in back of the Type B-10 Dustless Take-About Sander Recently Brought Out by the Porter- Cable-Hutchinson Corp., Syracuse, N.Y. rear pulley and deposits the dust in the bag. Dust is easily removed from the bag through the zipper opening and the bag is easily de- tached from the machine. This dust collecting feature keeps the air clean and prevents excessive clogging of the abrasive belt which means © faster cutting, as the grit remains sharper, and longer belt life is the natural result. As can be seen from the illustra- tion, the motor is laid horizontal to the frame of the machine, giving the machine perfect balance with conse- quent easy handling. The weight of the machine being concentrated over the sanding shoe has a tendency to increase the actual cutting speed without applying any additional hand pressure. The motor is of the uni- versal type, developing a trifle over 1 horsepower. Armature can be re- moved without disturbing the field. Gears can be removed without dis- turbing the motor. Eleven ball-bear- ings are used which should keep re- pairs to a minimum. The switch is a 10 ampere double pole type housed in Bakelite case and is located in top of the frame. : This machine is also equipped with a new type of sanding shoe over which the belt passes. Belts can be changed in a few seconds and can be supplied in any grit or degree of fineness. The use of the dustless take-about sander is not limited to wood only. The abrasive actually does the work and this tool is merely a means by which the abrasive is put to work. Therefore, using the correct abrasive ' belt, almost any material, either flat or curved, can be surfaced. 39