Steam Engine Drive... . THAT MEETS EVERY MARINE REQUIREMENT Many owners of both small and large vessels have cut Operating cost of compressor, fan, pump and generator drive by using Engberg marine engines. ake Steamship Company = + Eastern Steamship Lines — Ford Motor Company — Low cost reliable service is the natural result of design and construction based on forty years successful analysis, building and operating engines in marine service. Engberg Marine Engines are fully enclosed, entirely self-oiling, oper- ate without oil leakage and with or without cylinder lubrication. The new watershed prevents emulsification by keeping condensation out of the oil. Generous bearings and working parts, liberal use of chrome nickel steel, simple adjustments and a proven lubricating system guarantee long life. These and many other features are fully described in new Descriptive Bulletin. Send for a copy. Remember the specification of Engberg Marine Engines assures you low cost dependable drive. te TROY ENGINE AND MACHINE COMPANY 2242 RAILROAD AVENUE “os .TROY, PENNSYLVANIA os U.S.A. TROY - ENGBERG Horizontal and Vertical Steam Engines « » Generating Sets « » Generators « » Switchboards M-31-2 MARINE REvIEw—July, 1931