The proof of the pudding... As proof of the pudding is in the eating,” so the saying goes. By the same token we must look to performance for the proof of lubricating oil quality in effecting economical operation. When Gargoyle Marine Oils enable the new Empress of Britain to set a new world’s record for low fuel consumption with .57 lbs. per s.h.p. per hour—there’s more than a suggestion of unusual cost-cutting lubrication. When 65% of the world’s Diesel-driven ships rely on Gargoyle Marine Oils, there’s more than a hint of sub- stantial savings in repair and replacement charges. When successive speed queens—Mauretania, Bremen, Europa—shatter records with Gargoyle Marine Oils, there’s a strong indication of minimum friction and maximum horsepower. The Vacuum Oil Company has specialized in scientific lubrication for 65 years. Such experience does produce better lubricants, made to fit the needs of your engine. These facts prove it. Representatives of the Vacuum Oil Company in more than 300 of the world’s leading ports are ready to serve you. The next time one of them comes aboard ask him about lower engine-room costs. | In the meantime we will be glad to send you either of ee these helpful books, without obligation: ““Steamships with Marine Oils Reciprocating Engines” or “Marine Lubrication— Motor- 4) 5 i arade for cok ships.” Address: Vacuum Oil Company, Marine Sales type of service Dept. D-7, 61 Broadway, New York. VACUUM OIL COMPANY 4 MARINE REVIEw—July, 1931