TRAVEL Via Lake Erie New Low Fares and Auto Rates Between CLEVELAND and BUFFALO May Ist to Nov. Ist, leaving, each way at 9:00 P. M., arriving 7:30 A. M. (E. S. T.) $4.50 One Way i $7.50 Round Trip Autos carried to June 15th and after Sept. 15th, $5.00 any size car. Summer rates, only $6.50 and $7.50 Between CLEVELAND and PORT STANLEY, CANADA June 27th to Sept. 9th. Leave Cleveland at 11:59 P. M. arrive Port Stanley 6:00 A. M. Leave there 4:30 P. M. arrive Cleveland 9:30 P. M. $3.00 One Way t-2 $5.00 Round Trip Autos Carried, $4.50 up Write us or ask your local Ticket or Tourist Agent for our new 32-page illustrated Vacation Booklet, on All-Expense Tours The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. East 9th Street Pier Cleveland, Ohio Propeller °°" to fit any hub. Manufacturing Co. Established 1854 Milwaukee. Wis. Sheriffs ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc. 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. Established 1837 Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Protection Equipment The Invincible Nozzle Catalogues on request Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of vessels Providence, R. I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE FREE WHEN THE JOB CALLS FOR CLOSE FIGURING Use the rivet set that lasts the long- est and costs the least in the long run When a Rich Red Head Rivet Set needs recupping, just chuck it into a lathe and turn out the burr cold. No annealing is necessary —and you can recup a Rich Red Head many times more than ordinary rivet sets. Send for a sample—stating the size and kind of shank. Test it against any other makes of rivet sets you are now using. That will prove to you how much more you get for your money when you depend on Rich Red Heads. RICH RED HEAD RIVET SETS Manufactured by DETROIT MARINE REVIEw—July, 1931 WILCOX-RICGH CORPORATION TE