Can you afford it? When the passengers leave your ships do they walk up the wharf and vow to themselves and others, ‘‘Never again will I travel on that line’’, or do they tell people of your nice clean boats and the fine service, etc. Remember that no matter how fine the service, how carefully prepared the meals may be, or how clean the ship is, unless the ventilation is of the very best, your reputation is going to suffer. People may not realize that it is poor air that prevents their getting a quiet restful sleep, or impairs full enjoyment of your excellent meals. But they do realize that your accommodations are faulty in some way or other. Can you afford to compete for their trade unless you have the very latest ventilating equipment as exemplified by Sturtevant? Just a line will bring you complete information, on this vital subject, and won’t obligate you in any way. “s) B. F. STURTEVANT COMPANY, HYDE PARK, BOSTON, MASS. Sales Ergineering Offices in Principal Cities evan (REG:>U-S:-PAT> OFF-) Marine Equipment Heating and Ventilating Mechanical Draft Equipment— Ventilating Sets—Heaters— Gasoline and Equipment— Turbines—Motors—Blowers— Generating Sets—Exhausters Steam Engines If You Want The Best Specify S. S. “A. F. HARVEY” owned by Pittsburgh Steamship Co. and built by Great Lakes Engineering Works. S. S. “B. F. AFFLECK” owned by Pittsburgh Steamship Co. and built by Toledo Ship- building Co, S. S. “S. T. Crapo” owned by Huron Trans- portation Co. and built by Great Lakes En- gineering Works. These three fine new boats are all equipped with Quadrant Type Steering Gear Spur Gear Windlass Mooring Winches Hatch Winches HYDE Quadrant Type Steering Gear Hyde Windlass Company Bath, Maine MARINE REVIEw—July, 1931 4 4 4 . i 7