Get Those Improvements Out of Your Mind And Into Your Ships! * = is clearly sound busi- ness judgment to have those ship repairs or alterations, which you have planned to have us make for you some- time, made by us now! Many ships are still in win- ter berths as we write. A good “ne for repairs—no inter- ference with traffic; or loss of precious cargo hauling opportunity. Materials are now lower in price. Labor does a better job, quicker. Surely it is good business to take advantage of this oppor- tunity. A little job left too long often becomes.a big job. Let your repairs or alterations be made_ swiftly, dependably, economically, at one of American’s five completely equipped ship yards now! Obey that impulse ! The AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO. re) CLEVELAND Lorain BUFFALO SoutH CHICAGO SUPERIOR e @ & & American Ship American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Chicago Ship Superior Ship- % Building Co. Building Co. Company Building Co. building Co. MARINE REVIEw—July, 1931 7