FROM NEW YORK TO CHINA THE ALL-ELECTRIC WAY FROM New York to San Francisco, Hono- lulu, Japan, China, Manila—and return — every mile made smooth beyond compare by turbine-electric drive — every auxiliary oper- ated by electric power — all the comfort and convenience of electric devices in stateroom, galley, engine room, and on the bridge. ~—®& These are among the advantages of the first all-electric ship built in America for transoceanic service — the Preszdent Hoover, recently put in service by the Dollar Line. This twin-screw ship, more than 600 feet long, accommodates 450 passengers, and provides more than 600,000 cubic feet of storage, besides ample refrigeration space for perishable freight. —<> lhe decision to employ electric drive was made after thorough study and investigation and in cooperation with marine engineers of General Electric. Their practical experience is at your service whether your needs call for turbine-gear, turbine- GENERAL KLECTRIC MARINE EQUIPMENT electric, or Diesel-electric drive. Let them show you the economic advantages that invariably accompany a change to modern types of propulsion. JOIN US IN THE GENERAL ELECTRIC PROGRAM, BROADCAST EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ON A NATION-WIDE N.B.C. NETWORK 173-19 40 MARINE REVIEw—August, 1931