S. President Hoover —§. S. President Coolidge Ships of Character There is significance in the fact that these fine ships are completely equipped with Warren pumps— both reciprocating and centrifugal. Photos at left show, (top) two horizontal auxiliary condensate pumps and (bottom) two 12 x 12x 24 vertical single lubricating oil pumps, part of the installation of Warren pumps aboard the S. S. President Hoover. *With credit to Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company. Merete 6SGTEAM PUMP CO., Ine: WARREN : - - MASSACHUSETTS Warren Engineering Corp., Agent, 117 Liberty Street, New York City Western Engineering Company, Agent, 58 Main Street M. L. Katzenstein, President San Francisco. California 44 MARINE REvirew—August, 1931 ——-