Right Now The Marine Specialties devised and perfected by Messrs. J. Stone & Company, Ltd., Deptford, England, and used by the principal shipping companies throughout the world, are now available to American shipowners directly from the American Locomotive Company. This is made possible through an arrangement by which the American Locomotive Company undertakes the manufacture and sale of STONE'S MARINE SPECIALTIES for the American market. Our manufacturing facilities will enable us to give American owners the benefit of these well known devices at reason- able prices. The standard of workmanship and material long maintained by J. Stone & Company, Ltd., will be identical in the products manufactured by the American Locomotive Company. We have established an organization especially to present Stone products to the shipping industry and shall be glad to have a representative call, or, if you prefer, to furnish you particulars of these specialties by mail. American Locomotive Company 30 Church Street New York, N. Y. eee MARINE REvIEw—September, 1931 ti