sessovsesseeensttooesosenamntnniiosscsobaeteeiaini aeaisbannooNeE RS cororersninnsnevoecto coh AtiNngocco2Se HHRMA RO HPIOSRRSNN “cS RP ODIO PRR MANTRA RR ORE ESAS CAMERA AR ODX ASEH PRAGA DESPRE AY ABRADED <eeooeaneasanmuinisbanoonioahanuiinanseseennS ANE eissvwtincnccoascot COOPER-BESSEMER ENGINES MAKE PROFITABLE PARTNERS For Cargo orFishing Boats vo always safe in choosing a Cooper-Bessemer iesel engine as your partner in any boat enterprise. Ask the fishermen who own Cooper-Bessemer pow- ered boats. You'll get the kind of recommendations that really count. These men depend on the satis- factory operation of the engine for their profits. Lazy, shirking engines are not tolerated in fish boat service. When you want boat power that will carry its load in a profitable partnership, ask for our literature. THE COOPER-BESSEMER CORPORATION GENERAL DIESEL SALES OFFICES: SUITE 301, 25 W. 43rd STREET, NEW YORK CITY S 131 State St., Boston, Mass. Hoffar’s Lr'd., 1790 Georgia St, W., Vancouver, B. C., The Pacific Matine Supply Clo. 1213 Western Ave.. Seattle, Wash. PLANTS: MOUNT VERNON, : GROVE TY, PENNSYLVANIA drew and Rosalie, 86’ fishing owned by Liborio Curcuru is pow- 1 a 150 H. P. Cooper-Bessemer marine ngir hich gives her a speed of MARINE REvIEw—September, 1931 a4