ELECTRIC DECK HANDS On modern vessels, electricity has made responsive deck hands of the ship's auxiliaries. Wind- lasses, capstans, gypsies, and boat hoists, when powered with G-E motors and guided. with G-E controllers, do the bidding of the operators — speedily, surely, and safely—even though they are unfamiliar ith electric equipment. At the throw of a switch, without delay or dissipation of un- used power, electricity shoulders the heavy duties above deck as well as below. e Whatever the auxiliary may be, there is a G-E motor which will fit the need. Motors which have been proved by every type of service on both land and sea. Motors that will stay on the job days, nights, and Sundays, ready to serve at a moment's notice. @ The practical experience of General Electric engineers is at your service whenever you are considering the eco- nomic advantages of electrification whether for 231-29 propulsion or auxiliaries. , GENERAL ELECTRIC Oe i AOR RoNS JOIN US IN THE GENERAL ELECTRIC PROGRAM, BROADCAST EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ON A E Q | | p M E N NATION-WIDE N.B.C. NETWORK 8 MARINE REVIEW—October, 1931