: EAS This calls for the building of 128 vessels in various categories, total- ing 221,000 tons at an estimated cost of $619,162,750. Appropria- tions are also proposed for additional up-building to reach treaty levels by the end of the treaty to the extent of 12 vessels of 124,400 tons at an estimated cost of $210,950,000. Summing up, this means aggregate appropriations before Dec. 31, 1936, of $1,003,702,750 or an average of over $182,000,000 a year. It is the third division of the an- swer to the question with which we are primarily concerned in this ar- ticle. That is, the age of the exist- ing American merchant fleet normal- ly usefully employed, to find out what might reasonably be expected in the way of necessary replacements in the near future. This subject is not new. It has often been referred to, but heretofore as far as known no figures have been compiled to show the actual age of American ves- sels. A research has now been com- pleted of the actual age of more than 1600 American merchant vessels of 1000 gross tons and over, ordinarily usefully employed at sea, on _ the Great Lakes and inland waterways, as of June 30, 1930. The results for various categories are tabulated according to age in the table on page 15, for ocean and Great Lakes vessels. Due to space limitations the results for vessels op- erating on inland waterways and for tankers and ferries operating on the Great Lakes have been omitted from A Age of American Vessels Ten Years and Older 10 to 14 Years Inclusive Category Number Gross Tons Ree Steere 67 604,117 ee ki Ocean Tanker.....-.-++ 255 1; 821, 131 Take Career cys. era 0 t's 79 "450, 320 Potales 716 4,099,430 15 to 19 Years Inclusive Ocean Passenger......-. 16 153,668 Ocean: Cargo... 3... <- 64 267.011 Ocean Tanker.......... 46 251,943 Wake Cargo ec. was oe 24 147,114 DUA hija. ks 150 819,736 90 to 29 Years Inclusive Ocean Passenger........ 50 266,140 Ocean Cargo..........+ 49 204: 152 Ocean Tanker.......... 9 29,340 Lake Cargorus <<<: weees 215 1,191, 678 Total: ..:: REE 8 323 1,691,310 30 to 40 Years Inclusive Ocean Passenger........ 25 105,706 Ocean Cargo........... 32 99,510 Ocean Tanker... .....%. 7 18,524 Lake Cargo:. osc. 6. es 70 275,347 et 499,087 Note: This table applies only to existing merchant vessels usefully employed as of June 30, 1930 of 1000 gross tons and over. Figures tabulated from table on page 1 RAE LEE AE OSE TETRIS CLEC, DEEL LE EDD BS, the table. Reference will -be made to these later in the text. Going back 40 years, the number and gross tonnage of passenger ves- sels, freighters, tankers and ferries, operating in coastal waters and on the high seas have been tabulated for each year. The number and gross tonnage of passenger and cargo ves- sels operating on the Great Lakes have also been tabulated in a similar manner. Taking all categories list- ed for ocean and Great Lakes no less than 1465 vessels of an aggregate gross tonnage of 7,361,769 have been completely identified as to age from one to 40 years. For instance we can tell at a glance the number and gross tonnage of vessels in the va- rious categories at any selected age. In the large table on this page, number and gross tonnage of mer- chant vessels for 66 of the principal American steamship lines have been tabulated and segregated for vessels ten years and under in age and over ten years. It is significant to note that of 860 vessels of 4,941,652 gross tons operating on the oceans no less than 681 vessels of 3,623,442 gross tons are over ten years of age. And that of a total of 283 vessels of 1,- 544,648 gross tons operating on the Great Lakes no less than 258 ves- sels of 1,339,601 gross tons are over ten years of age. In the smaller table on this page, four outstanding categories, ocean passenger, ocean cargo, ocean tanker and lake cargo, have been segregated according to age. From this table it will be noted that in these four cate- gories no less than 323 vessels of 1,691,310 gross tons are from 20 to 29 years of age and there are 134 Age of Merchant Vessels for 66 Principal American Steamship Lines Including All of 1000 Gross Tons and Over, Ordinarily Usefully Employed Total Fleet 10 Yearsand Over 10 Under Years ; i Gross Gross “« Gross Name of Line No. Tons No. Tons No. °§. ‘Tons Name of Line gi se Ocean Brought Ocean Steamship Lines Bebe oo PD : Pan American Pet. Co Alaska Steamship Co.... 12 37,829 1 4658 il 33,171 . ee ie American Hawaiian Line 21 143,743 «215,798 919. ap7iogs Bacio Seern: Brawl Line American Line S.S. Corp. 3 61,624 3 61,624 Sinclair Naviout: Wel ee American Scantic Line... 10 50,603 10 50,603 South “Atl re Se Ss A American W. African Line 10 54,362 10 54902) | ei hee Pa ‘a co 0.. Associated Oil Company. 9 54,184 £90,388 A595, 796 | San data Oil Co. PC ti b Atlantic Refining Co..... 17 106,432 hep At GAR, 13" 83,794 “Standard Shippine-Co. . Bull Steamship Co...... 21. 74,974 O4 LOT ee ged Supping C ee Calmar Steamship Corp. 12 69,562 P6056). Gee Ceeeaain Ce Cities Service Transp. Co. 15 108,027 S 23.004 (12 8048 cg ee Clyde Steamship Co..... 9 25,936 1 5896 Gi 200 ee eee Dollar Steamship Line... ah 217,675 | 42. 135,856 538d - pee Oe Eastern Steamship Lines. 21 65,035 WROD? IF et 208 Ge om Ce en Export Steamship Corp... 24 126,384 1 Soe 8 OS ed erin Oe Grace Steamship Co.. 13 83,082 $5 34827 BA eet Sate Gulf Pacific Line....... 8 26,539 26,539. 6. Se ‘ ? sep tenes Gulf Refining Co.. 33 = 200,565 5 47,002 28 153,563 “ital (Ocency Co Isthmian Steamship Co. 15 — 86,81 7 ALI 45568 otal (Ocean)....... Los Angeles S.S. Co..... 12 78,325 12 78,325 Luckenbach 8.5, C Ong 22 160,611 22: 160/611 allory Steamship Co... ; 10 42,031 Matson Navigation Co. 21 130,830 5 50,902 16 79,928 Balikea te ke M. & M. Transp. Co. 18 65,460 3 16,784 15 48,676 Cleveland Cliffs $.S. Co. Mississippi Shipping Co. 12 61,731 12 61,731 Columbia Steamship Co. ungon Steamship Line. 21 119,478 4 $4,948 17 64,530 Ford Motor Co.. ce Mystic Steamship Co.. 18 86,260 18 86,260 Goodrich Transit Co... Nelson, Charles Co... .. 27-2602 27 82,602 Great Lakes 8.8. Co... New England $8. Co. 18 50,856 4 6127, 14 44,729 += Great Lakes Transit Co.. N. Y. & Cuba MailS.S. Co. 8 41,298 8 41,298 Interlake Steamship Co.. N.Y. & Porto RicoS.$.Co. (9 333679 9 33,679 Nicholson Univ. §.8. Co Oceanic & OrientalS.S.Co. 24 146,476 3 22,371 21 124,105 Pioneer Steamship C 0. Ore Steamship Corp..... 10 73,700 5 46,130 5 27°570 Paubick eo 8 we os Pacific Atlantic S.S.Co.. 17 99,639 17 98.699 Reiss Steamship.Co....- Pacific Steamship Co.... 16 49,207 16 49°207 Wi | a cane a fe) ‘ a | ALE nas a er 536 2,915,553 77 = 637,945 459 2,277,608 ilaon Transit:-Co::.... MARINE REVIEW——October, 1931 860 4,941°652 Great Lakes Steamship Lines Total Fleet 10 Yearsand Over 10 Under Years Gross Gross Gross No. Tons No. Tons No. Tons 536 2,915,553 77 ~=—- 637,945 459 2,277,608 8 33,470 2 4867 6 28,603 26 =: 168, 563 3 24,754 23 143,809 8 45,104 8 45,104 8 31,294 8 31,294 11 65,449 7 48,932 4 16,517 10 59,685 10 50,685 22 ~=:123,667 4 32,468 18 91,199 17 102,530 10 66,156 7 36,374 40 327,726 16 =: 148,347 26. 51-79,379 49 253,540 21 107,088 28 146,452 12 67,755 1 5376 11 62,379 11 74,816 7 47,708 4 27,108 28 =: 169,889 5 37,789 23 132,100 9 8,452 9 8,452 11 71,013 5 34,192 6 36,821 24 108,414 1 3678 23 104,736 11 190,671 4 42,598 7 148,073 9 3,061 7 8 12 65,201 27,860 179 1,318,210 681 3,623, 442 12 74,661 12 74,661 8 55,206 8 55,206 14 83,769 2 16,820 12 66,949 10 64,694 2 16,634 8 48,060 8 37,396 2 7,503 6 19,893 8 15,699 8 15,699 19 101,003 19 101,003 22 89,765 22 89,765 49 278,606 6 49,752 43 228,854 9 34,972 34,972 19 108,935 1 7931 18 101,004 84 483,044 9 71,422 5 411,622 10 54,177 1 8918 ; 45,259 11 62,721 2 16,067 46,654 283 1,544,648 25 + 205,047 258 1,339,601