Install Special Seagoing Air Circuit Breakers NEW idea for the prevention of corrosion is a recent order of CL air circuit breakers supplied the Craig Shipbuilding Co. by Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. These special breakers had all brushes, studs and overload coils silver plated and all iron parts cadmium plated to guard against the possibility 800-ampere CL, Air Circuit Breaker In- stalled in a Steel Panel with Front Cov- er Plate Removed of corrosion. They are now installed on the latest type dead-front steel switchboard for use in a palatial yacht on the Pacific coast and consist of 68 pole units ranging in size from 12% to 800 amperes. Chain Tongs Unit Provides Two Tools in One A chain tongs, suitable for us¢ in the marine field for service on both pipes and fittings on board ship, Three Views of New Chain Tongs for Both Pipe and Fittings 42 in shipbuilding and repair yards, has been introduced by J. H. Williams & Co., Buffalo. Inasmuch as it is considered common practice for steamfitters to use two tools, one for pipe and one for fittings, this unit is said to comprise two tools in one. The ‘‘V’’ recess in the jaws, which can be noted in the accompanying illustration, insures a quick and posi- tive grip on fittings. According to the manufacturers, there is no neces- sity for stopping work to alter the tool, and there are no parts to lose. The makers claim that this is the only chain tongs on the market with reversible pipe and fitting jaws. A double length of life is made possible by a feature of the tool which per- mits turning the jaws end for end after wear is noticed on the teeth first used. The chains, either flat or cable type, which constitute an essential feature of this tongs lock easily and positively and are thoroughly tested. According to the manufacturers, all parts are interchangeable, and the tool is fully guaranteed. Announce New Method of Lining Steel Tubes NEW method of lining steel tub- ing with a variety of metals or alloys has been announced by the De- troit Seamless Steel Tubes Co., De- troit, which has secured exclusive pat- ent rights to the process. In combin- ing the inner lining metal with the outer steel shell the two are bonded by fusion so inseparably that there is not only no evidence of separation, but no manual means of destroying the union. Turnings made from the end of a tube so lined will curl oft the tool so integrally united that the spiral formed shows both textures of the bonded metals as one continuous strip without fracture at any point between the two. While the greatest industrial possi- bilities of the process are probably to be realized through its advantages in the production of steel-backed bear- ings, other practical uses to which tubing so lined may be put cover a wide range, among them tubes lined with non-corrosive metals for convey- ing liquids whose chemical properties deteriorate steel; tubes used in water tube boilers where a lining metal of high heat conductivity needed. Now Small 5 KW Diesel Generator Set SMALL full diesel generator Nis shown in the accompanying picture. This machine, distributed by F. van Rossen Hoogendyk, Gray- bar building New York, is powered with a MWM engine of the two- cycle type Benz injection system. MARINE REVIEw—October, 1931 The entire outfit weighs only 1350 pounds and is mounted on a base 45 inches long and 18 inches wide, The set is made for 32-volt, 110- volt and 220-volt currents and ig the younger brother of the well- known Colo-Benz sets now in use by the New York Central railroad, the Canada Steamship lines, the South- Small Light Weight Generator Set ern Pacific lines and numerous yacht and vessel owners. Resistance Welder Suitable for Spot or Arc Welding HE accompanying illustration ae a development of resistance welding machines which is built en- tirely of steel and electrically weld- ed throughout. This is the univer- sal spot and are welder developed by the Electric Arct Cutting & Welding Co., Newark, N. J. This machine is made in portable type or for per- manent installation. It has a throat depth of 48 inches and can be had with larger depth. The spot welder of 20-kilowatt size will weld two pieces of 3/16-inch steel or will are weld at 200 ampere capacity with ef- ficient and accurate heat control. By moving a switch, it can be changed from spot to are welder. Welding machine for spot or arc welding