READY 110 1000 Watts Dimensions 14" Wide 164%" High Body: Il 34" Wide 1134" High 4" Deep Finishes—W hite, Ivory, Green and Orchid Reguires No. 12 Wire for connection. At asnap of the switch your passengers can heat their staterooms to their liking. Add to the comfort of travel and increase t ee Write for full details. raveling THE RADIANT ELECTRIC HEATER e SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY CARNEGIE, PA. *] THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U. S. Navy for over 40 years. Over 65,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12” dia. Magnets for adjusting Purposes. E. S. RITCHIE & SONS Brookline, Mass., U.S.A. Agents for the Great Lakes, The Upson-Walton Company, Cleveland, Ohio ] HAMBURG-AMERICAN | LINE Passenger Services: New York to Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. New York to Galwav, Cobh (Queen town), Cherbourg and Hamburg. North Pacific Ports to Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp via Panama Canal. Pleasure Cruises: Around the world, to the West Indies, to Northern Wonderlands. Freight Services: New York to Hamburg (8 days). po, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk to Bremen an amburg. North Pacific Ports direct to Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 39 Broadway New York Marine Review—October, 1931 A SYMBOL of EXPERIENCE The high seas have been the proving ground of the E.F.C.A. trademark. For two years preceding its establish- ment as a mark of export protection, export fibreboard cases were submitted to critical testing in actual export operations. From this experience came the Standard of Merit which the E.F.C.A. Trademark signifies. That is why an E.F.C.A. trade- marked case will stand every normal test of export shipping. That is why leading shippers look to it for claim prevention and savings on their export shipments. @ Above: The first Hawaiian Pine- apple in E.F.C.A. cas-s to be dis- charged in Germany swings over the side of the S.S. Este. EXPORT FIBREBOARD CASE ASSOCIATION An association of leading manufacturers of fibreboard shipping cases. Head Office: 155 Montgomery Street San Francisco, Calif. eon! FIBREBO 4p, 2 New York Traffic Office: 15 Moore St. ————S = S Zw Zs =] s EBOARD SHIPPING CASE I ApRoveo FOR EXPORT St(PMENT Fe Write for copies of a new ge ine eeoouce bulletin, “Suggestions for the Proper Handling of Export Fibreboard Shipping Cases’’. ee <! R ot <CisteneD ae 51