HOISTING ENGINES Hyde Windlass Co., Bath. Me. HOISTS (Air) American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland. {NDICATORS (Direction & Revolu- tion) Sperry Gyroscope Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y INDICATORS (Helm Angle) Sperry Gyroscope Co., Inc., Brooklyn, INDICATORS (Speed) Sperry Gyroscope Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. INSURANCE (Marine) Boland & Cornelius, Marine Trust Bldg., Buffalo, N. Ye LAMPS (Mazda and Arc) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y ‘LIFEBOATS Lane, C. M., Lifeboat Co., Inc., : 856 Humboldt St., Brooklyn, N. Y. LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT Lane, C. M., Lifeboat Co., Inc., 856 Humboldt St., Brooklyn, N. Y: LIGHTING EQUIPMENT — a. a Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. LUBRICATING OIL Vacuum Oil Co., : 61 Broadway, New York City. MACHINERY (Marine) American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Manitowoe Shipbuilding Corp., Manitowoc, Wis. MACHINISTS American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J. MAGNETS (Lifting) Cutler-Hammer, Inc., 1265 St. Paul Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. MANILA OAKUM—See OAKUM (Marine, Rope, Packings, Plumbers) MARINE PHOTOGRAPHS Seagraphs, 45 Broadway, New York City. METERS (Gas & Air) Cutler-Hammer, Inz., 1265 St. Paul Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. MOTOR GENERATOR SETS General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Troy Engine & Machine Co., Troy, Pa. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. MOTORS Diehl Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, N. J. MOTORS (Electric) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Troy Engine & Machine Co., Troy, : Pa: Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Cvo., East Pittsburgh, Pa. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS Ritchie. E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. Sperry Gyroscope Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y NAVIGATING INSTRUMENTS White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co., 112 State St., Boston, Mass. OAKUM (Marine, Rope, Packing, Plumbago) Stratford, Geo., Cakum Co., 120 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. J. OIL BURNING EQUI?CPMENT Babcock & Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St., New York City. Coen Co., Inc., 610 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. OIL FOR ALL PURPOSES (Marine) Vacuum Oil Co., 61 Broadway, New York City. PACKING SERVICE Export Fibreboard Case Assoc., 155 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. PACKING CASES (Fibreboard) Export Fibreboard Case Assoc., 155 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. PASSENGER SERVICE Hamburg-American Line, ’ 39 Broadway, New York City. POWDERED COAL BURNERS Coen Co., Inc., 610 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. PROPELLER BLADES AND HUBS Sheriffs Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. PROPELLER WHEELS American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Ferguson, F., & Son, Hoboken, N. J. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.. 99 Broad St., New York City. Reading, E. H., 226 Ohio St., Buffalo, N. Y. Sheriffs Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. PROPELLERS Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry- Dock Co., 90 Broad St., New York City. PULVERIZED COAL BURNERS Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. PULVERIZED COAL SYSTEMS Todd Shipyards Corp.. 25 Bruadway, New York City. PUMPS Dean Brctaers Co., 823 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, {nd. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. PUMPS (Ballast) Dean Brothers Co., 3823 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. PUMPS (Bilge) Dean Brothers Co., , 323 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. PUMPS (Boiler Feed) Dean Brothers Co., 323 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. PUMPS (Direct Acting) Dean Brothers Co., 323 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. PUMPS (Fuel Oil) Coen Co., Inc., 610 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. PUMPS (Power) Dean Brothers Co., 823 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. PUMPS (Steam) Dean Brothers Co., $23 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. PUMPS (Vacuum) Dean Brothers Co., 823 W. 10th St., indianapolis, Ind. PURIFICATION SYSTEMS—See WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS . REPAIRS (Electric) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. REPAIRS (Marine) American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 64th St., Cleveland. Charleston Dry Dock & Machine Co. Charleston, S. C, ; Chicago Shipbuilding Co., So. Chicago, III. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Manitowoc Ship Building Corp., Paces. bike : ewpor ews ipbuildin Dr Dock Co., 90 Broad Ste : New York City. New York Shipbuilding Co., sun Shipbuilding un ipbuilding & D Chester, Pa. . my Deck fo. to pipyaeds Corp., roadway, New Yor i United Dry Docks, Inc., Loe 11 Broadway, New York City. REPAIRS (Turbine) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. REVOLUTION COUNTERS Sperry Gyroscope Co., Brooklyn, N. Y ROPE (Manila, Net, Sisal, and Other Hard Fiber Cordage) Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. Samson Cordage Works, Boston. Whitlock Cordage Co., 46 South St., New York City. ROPE (Transmission) Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y ROPE OAKUM Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co., 120 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. J. RUDDERS Oertz Streamline Rudder Corp., 75 West St., New York City. RUST PREVENTATIVE (Oil) Vacuum Oil Co., 61 Broadway, New York City. SAFETY VALVES (Marine) Star Brass Mfg. Co., 53 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. SCHOONERS (Auxiliary) American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland. SEARCHLIGHTS General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. SEARCHLIGHTS (High Intensity) Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ine., Brooklyn, N. Y. -SEARCHLIGHTS (Incandescent and Arc) Sperry Gyroscope Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y SEPARATORS (Qil) Babcock & Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St., New York City. SHIPBUILDERS American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland. Charleston Dry Dock & Machine Co., Charleston, S. C. Great Lakes Engineering Works, Falta Sea Mich. anitowoc ip Building Corp., Manitowoc, Wis. ss se Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 90 Broad St.,’ New York City. New York Shipbuilding Co., Sun. Shipbuilding un ipbuilding & Dr Chester ras” A eal Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. United Dry Docks, Inc. 11 Broadway, New York City. SHIP STABILIZERS Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ine., Brooklyn, N. Y. SPUN OAKUM Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co., 120 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. J. STEAMSHIP LINES (Passenger and Freight) Hamburg-American Lines, 39 Broadway, New York City. STEAM GAGES Star Brass Mfg. Co., 53 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. STEAM TRAPS Davis Engineering Co., 90 West St., New York City. STEEL BARGES—See BARGES (Steel) STEERING ENGINES Hyde Windlass Co., STEERING GEARS American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 64th St., Cleveland. Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. Bath, Me. STOKERS Babcock & Wilcox Co., The, 85 Liberty St., New York City. STORAGE BATTERIES—S BATTERIES - Seba ii (Oil) oen Co., Inc., 610 S. Bro Los Angeles, Cal. ished SUPERHEATERS Babcock & Wilcox Co., The, 85 Liberty St., New York City. SWITCHBOARDS General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Troy Engine & Machine Co., Troy, Pa. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. TELEMOTORS Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. TOWING LINES Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. Whitlock Cordage Co., 46 South St., New York City. TRACTORS Clark Tructractor Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Elwell-Parker Electric Co., The, 4205 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, 0. TRANSMISSION (Rope)—See ROPE (Transmission) TRUCKS Clark Tructractor Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Elwell-Parker Electric Co., The, 4205 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, 0. TRUCKS (Dump) Clark Tructractor Co., Battle Creek, Mich. TURBINES (Electric) Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. So. Philadelphia, Pa. TURBINES (Marine) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. YY... Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 90 Broad St., New York City. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., So. Philadelphia, Pa. TURBINES (Steam) DeLaval Steam Turbine Co., . Trenton, N. J. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 90 Broad St., New York City. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., So. Philadelphia, Pa. TWINE AND ROPE Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. Samson Cordage Works, Boston. Whitlock Cordage Co., 46 South St., New York City. WATER COOLERS General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS Griscom-Russell Co., 285 Madison Ave., New York City. WELDERS (Electric Arc) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. WHISTLES Star Brass Mfg. Co., 58 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. WINCHES Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. WINDLASSES American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland. Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. WINDOWS (Balanced Frameless) Kearfoot Engineering Co., é 117 Liberty St., New York City. See Index to Advertisements for Pages Containing Advertisements of Companies Listed Above D2 MARINE REVIEw-——October, 1931 SA A a ad Oa a nl ay Ne at Bin FORSTER