~ Marine Review The National Publication Covering the Business of CLEVELAND ==THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPOR BY WATER=3 Published monthly by The Penton Publishing Co. Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. A. H. Jansson, Fditor H. O. Taylor, Advertising Manager Chicago Office, 1347 Peoples Gas Bldg. L. C. Pelott Fred B. Pletcher New York Office, 220 Broadway, Joseph Fuller, Eastern Manager E. C. Kreutzberg B. K. Price H. R. Simonds Pittsburgh Office, 507-8 Oliver Bldg. S. H. Jasper W. G. Gude San Francisco Office, 681 Market St. A OF Nourse Washington, D. C. Office, 1020 National Press Building L. M. Lamm - London Office, Caxton Ho Westminster, S. W. 1 Vincent Delport MARINE REVIEW is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, Associated Busi- ness Papers Inc. and the National Pub- lishers Association. Entered Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Sec- ond Class Matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1931 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, “ The A. B. P. is a nonprofit organizat to a working code of practice in W Transportation by Water FOUNDED 1878 NEW YORK CONTENTS Vol. 61 October 1931 No. 10 Page EGItOPIOIS (ioc. eesiciiccos ee 13 Age of American Merchant Vessels ............cccccceecs00005 15 Analysis Shows Need of Replacements By A. H. Jansson and E. C. Powers Charlottetown, Largest Canadian Carferry Completed What the British Are Doing in Shipbuilding ................ Delnorte and Delsud, Hog Island Freighters Rebuilt Edgewater and Chester, Ford Canal Freighters ........ Grain Export Elevators at Port of New Orleans ............ Knickerbocker, New York Ferryboat Launched .......... Atlantis, Auxiliary Ketch, Built in Denmark ...............: New Construction Ordered and Contemplated ............ Bunker Prices, Domestic and Foreign... gona Maritime, Law, Late Decisions ...................cccececececeenees By Harry Bowne Skillman Ports, Marine Business Statistics Condensed ............ Stevedoring and Dock Management Progress ............ Reduction in Accidents Increases Profits By H. E. Stocker Handling Cargo By Conveyors Reduces Costs Useful Hints on Cargo Handling: .. 3..ciscctiasoen one Equipment Used Afloat and Ashore ee Up and Down the Great Lakes ..........::ccceee ee eee eee ees Personal Sketches of Marine Mem ............::csccsccsceseneenee Col. E. C. Carrington, Hudson River Navig. Corp. By L. E. Browne New Trade Publications ..........ccccccccsscssscssseseseresercoeseseres Business News for the Marine Trade ..............:+0010ee Subscription United States and its posses- sions, $8 per year; Canada $4.00 ; Great Britain and other Foreign Coun- p tries, £1:0:0. Single copies 85 cents. (i ) Back numbers over three months 50 | Y cents. Cable addresses: Penton, Cleve- land, and Irotrapen, London. 1 embers have pledged themselves fon MOO taests of the men of Amerie placed first—a code demanding unbiase industry, trade and professions ial paid subscribers, and honest advertising editorial pages, classified an verifie f dependable products. MARINE Review—October, 1931 36 39 40 43 44 48 48