oo oem wr = we ss vaialaleeicmemenrmens ete er rocasoctenetcteinhceaesniniaiciieteseniai cists ASS citateN AAA Ran fete ea aE artnet PLO AAAI eee Sra ERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. BRINGS TO THE AMERICAN SHIPOWNERS AND BUILDERS 30 YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH WORK IN THE “SEA-TESTED ” HSTLOONE SYSTEM”: for hydraulically Controlling Bulkhead Doors. ‘N This PIONEER system for coal control of Bulkhead Doors with its many improvements embodied during FO NS ee a eee hE a ee Pe the past 30 years —is still the PREMIER SYSTEM in the world—and it protects more ships than any other system. The foremost Naval architects are specifying the Stone System because of its unequalled performance record. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE : 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK, N. Y, 6 MaRINE Revigw—October, 1931