ll Distinctive Ships COMING! April Number of Marine Review Featuring American Shipbuilding Progress Plan Your Advertising Now Make sure your advertisement appears in the April Distinctive Ship issue of MARINE REVIEW, where it will be seen by marine men responsible for ship design, ship operation, and shipbuilding. Distinctive Ship Section Annual Feature Ship owners, operators, shipbuilders, Prominent naval architect: naval architects and marine engineers find the Distinctive Ship Number of Marine Review of greatest usefulness, because it gives them in one place, under one cover, the most definite and accurate information on every type of ship recently completed. The following quotations from letters re- ceived demonstrate the practical value of this issue. Shipyard Vice president: “The information contained in your — April Distinctive Ship issue and manner of presentation are very remarkable and use- fal Prominent steamship manager: “Your Distinctive Ship issue showing various types of vessels with concise de- scriptions we consider particularly useful as a reference volume.” _ New York marine engineer: Kas | think the section devoted to Distinc- tive Ships of special interest and valuably informative.” “The Distinctive Ship issue is most in- teresting and valuable to every one inter- ested in American shipping and especially as a reference for those directly connected with shipbuilding.” This important and exclusive presenta- tion of up-to-date American shipbuilding data is of unusual interest to every re- sponsible person connected with the marine trade. All the Distinctive Ships and shipbuild- ing information is grouped in an insert sec- tion printed on high quality india tint coated paper. Duotone ink is used, giving a rotogravure effect. The attention value of your advertisement appearing in this insert section is apparent. Many concerns each year take advantage of this outstand- ing opportunity to tell about their products and service in an effective way. Only full pages appear in the insert section. Early reservation of space is suggested, copy to reach us on or before March 21. The Dis- tinctive Ship Number is out on April 1. Marine keview | 220 Broadway New York City Penton Building Cleveland, Ohio MARINE REviIEw—February, 1932