ET this straight — it isn’t (°: theory — One million workers are now going back to work — Common sense dictates a stim- ulation of employment in every industry to end _ depression - everywhere. Filling one million pay enve- lopes with cash money, to be spent for groceries, clothes and other necessities is going to make business better. One million families will have money to buy whatever you have to sell —It will make it necessary for retailers, wholesalers, manu- facturers, bankers and transpor- tation systems, etc., to add other workers to their payrolls to take care of increased business. The plan is simply a matter of reversing the depression. When The American Legion American Federation of Labor This space donated by Sperry Gyroscope Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sponsored by Association of National Advertisers MILLION new customers for the price of ON people stop earning they stop buying your goods — When you take back a worker you will be needing others. This opportunity to end un- employment and get back to better times is suggested to mil- lions of employers. Will you, Mr. Employer, rise to the emer- gency and aid as you have in the past? Must we plead further—or urge and argue, when the necessity is so great for action and the advantages so obvious? What will your business be worth if we fail to pull together ? So here’s your small bit — Put on your payroll at least one un- employed worker — Now— We are trying to get 999,999 other employers to do the same. WAR AGAINST DEPRESSION CAMPAIGN UNITED ACTION FOR EMPLOYMENT The American Legion Auxiliary MARINE REvisw—April, 1932