The Great White Fleet::::::: Equipped with CHEF - LINE Marine Type Galley STEAM COOKERS Travelers of today are not compelled to take any kind of ship—for any kind of voyage. They book passage on ships that offer the maximum in comfort and pleasure. The Marine type CHEF-LINE Steam Cooker now being included in the galley equipment of many fine ships, is the most modern of cooking appliances. Especially designed to meet the conditions of marine ... Distinctive users of service, this unit makes possible results CHEfeLINE STEAM COOKERS which will please the most fastidious ‘ patron. United Fruit Company Dollar Steamship Lines CHEF-LINE Steam Cookers are highly Matson Navigation Company efficient. They are carefully designed and New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co. substantially constructed. Operation is Newport News Shipbuilding & positive and safe. Construction is avail- 1). dD. Co: able partially or wholly in_ stainless Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. metals. We shall be glad to furnish you Ltd. promptly with complete information and Todd Shipyards Inc. quotations, and give name of your nearest galley equipment dealer. The Cleveland Range Company General Offices —519 Huron Road, Cleveland, Ohio MARINE Review—April, 1932 29