32 New YORK SOCONY—Tanker—Coast—Twin Screw—Diesel Name—New York SoOcony Owner—Standard-Vacuum Transportation Co. Builder—-Bethlehem S. B. Corp., Baltimore Naval Architect—_N. J. Pluymert Launched—Nov. 5, ’31; completed Jan. 15, ’32 Classification—-—Owner’s requirements. HULL PARTICULARS Length over all, 263 feet 2 inches; length be- tween perpendiculars, 262 feet; breadth molded, 45 feet 6 inches; depth molded, 15 feet 6 inches; draft molded, 12 feet 3 inches; displacement loaded, 3143 tons; gross tonnage, 1539; net ton- nage, 932; cargo capacity, 750,000 gallons and in cubic feet, 100,260; bunker diesel fuel capacity, 53.2 tons at 38.5 cubic feet; speed at sea, 8.8 knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engines—Two, McIntosh & Seymour, 6- cylinder, 4-cycle, direct reversible, air injection diesel engines. Size, 13-inch bore by 18-inch stroke. Total horsepower in both engines, 700 at 265 revolutions per minute. Auxiliary Generators—tThree, diesel engine di- rect drive. Two 80-horsepower, one 60-horse- power. Winton engines and Diehl Mfg. Co. gen- erators. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Pumps—Northern Pump Co.; Nash Windlass—American Engineering Co. DESCRIPTION This twin screw die- sel tanker, equipped and fitted for ocean service, was built to the own- er’s designs for trading on the New England coast and tributary wa- ters. She has twin rud- ders and a capacity of 15,000 barrels. With two engines developing over 375 horsepower each at 265 revolutions per minute, her speed is approximately 9 knots. Capstan—American Engineering Co. Steering Engine—American Engineering Co. Anchors, Anchor Chain—Baldt Propellers—Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Refrigeration—Frigidaire Sales Corp. Electric Motors—Diehl Mfg. Co. Compressor-Generating Set—15 H. P. Hill Die- sel; Diehl] Generator Jompressor— W orthington Oil Purifier—The Sharples Specialty Co. Blower—B. F. Sturtevant Co. Electrical Controls—Cutler-Hammer Inc. Galley Equipment—HEdison G. E. Appliance Storage Batteries—Edison Storage Bat. Co. Lifeboats, Davits—Welin Davit & Boat Corp. The vessel is divided into six tanks for cargo, forward of which is a spare tank, which may be used for ballast or special fluid cargo as it has its own pump and loading system. The mo- tor for this pump is situated under the fore- castle, the drive being through a vertical spin- dle. A fore and aft bridge is constructed between the forecastle and center house and from this point to the poop. Space under midship house and on top of ex- pansion trunk protected by a steel enclosure serves as storage for the steel bottles of the Lux CO, fire extinguishing system which is con- nected up with all cargo tanks, pump rooms and fuel bunkers. As Ae peter tats y. NY ees i vera | Room . 4 i Le CaP a T 7 ' 1 1 ro Pe ca a ar lay i} Vige Lt iL S72 WV a OO : = 2 we fore 2 fo | | 4 \ Daa aoe | Tank|No3 | Tank| No.2 ') Tank Not ee ie “bollast Tank a} SS ie ees fs 5 a rr ae hate? \ 1: Peat ae Teccohtnie Beil Za SS ut P VY Guai mat Tanttanee 1 | A 1 x ae ‘ ! . SY, PTY a elle ens eae al Be phi Na} warren ae? MARINE REview—April, 1932