De Oe ap eee ae About a year ago the Baltimore Mail Steamship Company purchased five ten year old cargo vessels of 15,000 tons displacement, had the hulls lengthened and the bow and stern lines modified, | Dry Dock Company, and the geared according to designs by Gibbs & Cox, — turbine and turbo-electric propelling Inc., by the Federal Shipbuilding & | equipments replaced with DE LAVAL —,usrt GEARED ~ 0°" TURBINES On her trial trip, the rebuilt “CITY OF BALTIMORE” developed an average speed of 17.77 knots, as against 11 knots before conversion and 16 knots contracted for. The “CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS” on her trials developed an average of 18.4 knots. “THE CITY OF HAVRE” made the run from Newport News to Havre, 3,341 nautical miles, in 8%4 days, consuming only 76.3 tons of bunker oil per day, and on the return trip she docked a day ahead of time for the emergency landing of a passenger. “THE CITY OF HAMBURG” and the “CITY OF NORFOLK” are showing equally satisfactory performance. De Laval Geared Turbines give the most power from the least weight and cost. DE LAVAL STEAM TURBINE CO.,Trenton, N. J. De Laval Compound Turbine and Double Reduction Gears in engine room of “CITY OF BALTIMORE” AD-2049 MaRINE Review—April, 1932 35