WESTINGHOUSE \\\\ AiR COMPRESSORS- This Schooner Yacht “YAWIM”, built by the Burger Boat Company, has a Westinghouse 214 cu. ft. Com- pressor supplying air for signal horns WHEREVER compressed air is needed in marine service—on small yachts for signal horns... on freighters for scaling A FLOAT hammers, paint sprayers, or hoists... On passenger liners for water raising sys- AN D - tems, boiler tube cleaners or steering gear... on pile drivers for wood borers AS bE OF 1 ‘* § \\y and saws... in light houses for fog horns 6 ag NG Ze ve or in ship yards for pneumatic tools YWfFZ: : = Z7 —there Westinghouse compressors are WA EE GE ais ( ideal because they are compact, self- a contained, automatic, efficient, reliable, economical, durable. ..Many types and sizes are available, ranging from 21% a ——— =u to 300 cu.ft. displacement, steam driven un , AVI or motor criven. «» «>» «2 «» «>». «> A vy) HA eo°e HAY SS west iNGnost aaa TRACTION BRAKE CO. #2)" Industrial Division cu. ft. tas suitable for u use in ship yards, PITTSBU RG H, P E N N S y LVA N i A on docks, on dredges and on large vessels. «< » «» «» MARINE REview—April, 1932 84