DE ee YOU’LL SAVE MONEY ... . Pn ee EEE by having us do your work now ~ ANY ship owners and operators have the alterations planned for your ships plans in mind for making improve- ‘‘sometime,”’ this Spring. For now you ments to their ships. They have consid- can get the job done swiftly, dependably ered these changes carefully. They are convinced that the efficiency and use- fulness of the ships would be increased. But, ‘tin view of present conditions,” they have held off putting these plans into execution. Now is the time to act. Have us make and economically. Materials and labor are both low at the present time. To- morrow may tell another story. Take advantage of these conditions. Send us instructions for repairing or altering your ships now. Phe AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO. Lorain re) CLEVELAND BurraLo SoutH CHicaco SUPERIOR & ee @«e American Ship American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Chicago Ship Superior Ship- eo e@ @ 9 Building Co. Building Co. Company Building Co. building Co. MARINE REeview—April, 1932