FAN BROS. MARINE PUMPS “‘The Dean of Pumps on Land and Sea’ Single Style & Duplex Piston Type & Plunger Figure No. 2311 Horizontal Single Style Double Acting Outside End Packed Plung- er Trombone Pot Valve Pump For Boiler Feed & Pressure Service. ESTABLISHED /669 DEAN BROS. COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF PUMPING MACHINERY FOR ALL PURPOSES 323 WEST TENTH ST. /NDIANAPOLIS |ND. PLAN NOW The marine industry is of tremendous importance as a market for your products and service. Marine Review can assist you in securing better sales re- turns. It is subscribed for bymore steamship executives and ship operating officers than any other marine pub- lication. Further, Marine Review gives you complete coverage of the shipyards as virtually every one of them subscribe for one or more copies. Be sure to include Marine Review in your sales and advertising plans to reach the really important men who say yes, and O. K. requisitions in the marine trade. REFLEX WATER GAGES Used on all types of boilers by all the Principal Navies of the world ‘“‘The Water Shows Black’’ ADVANTAGES: Quick and reliable observation of the water level. Safe, sure and durable at high pressure. Not affected by cold air drafts. Most effective protection against injuries to boilers and workmen. Easily applied to all types of gage glass fittings. When filled with WATER the Reflex Gage always appears BLACK. When empty it instantly shows WHITE. Nomistake possible. This feature alone is worth many times the cost of the Reflex. Send for catalog of Water Gage Apparatus MANUFACTURED BY THE JERGUSON GAGE & VALVE Co. WINTER HILL, SOMERVILLE, MASS. Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. 112 State Street, Boston Ship Compasses Navigational Equipment Contracts a Specialty New York and Montreal Classified Advertisements MARINE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1—Triple Expansion Marine Engine 21”-35"-59", 1500: 1.0. Po cat New : Pip a 1—Surface condenser, 2135 sq. ft. cooling Surface........ccecceeseesseetseeceeees New 1—Triple Expansion Marine Engine 17”-25”-43”, 850 I.H.P........ New 80” 1—-Vertical, duplex feed pump fcr 250 lbs. pressure TO’x64x1 2 ee New 8—No. 8 Reilly Steel Shell Evaporators...........ccccssecssccecccesesseesnseeesseseneressenese New 8—Drinking water stills, 25 gals. per hour capacity ....New 2—7’x7” Quadrant type steam steering CNAINES.......cceeeeecesrrserereeresessens New 1—4”x4” ‘‘Beck’’ Pilot House Steerer Rebuilt Inquire MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION Manitowoc, Wisconsin FERRYBOAT FOR SALE Double end ferryboat, beam engine. 40 vehicle capacity. First class condition. Can be inspected at any time. Ready for immediate service. For further particulars inquire of CAPT. C. A. ALLEN, Edgewater, N. J. Phone, Cliffside 6-2700 FOR SALE OR CHARTER Diesel powered cargo boat, wooden hull, 141’ x 25’ x 18’; Built 1919, 300 ton capacity, 1 Hold, 2 Hatches large, 1 Mast, 55’ Boom. 400 H. P. Nelseco, 5 years old, completely overhauled 1931; Speed 9 Knots; Fair- banks-Morse auxiliary (new); Ligerwood hoist; Vessel in commission with complete equipment and in A-1 condition. Owners buying larger boat. Full details and photo on request, address Box 426, MARINE REVIEW, Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. STEEL SAND SUCKER STEAMER “ERIE” 290 Gross Tons 124’ Keel. 28’ Beam. 7 Depth. New Boiler. Two 10 x 12 Vertical Engines. 12” Morris Pump driven by 9 x 9 Morris Engines. Splendid condition. Low price. Erie Sand & Gravel Company, Erie, Pa. 66 MARINE Review—April, 1932