A BULWARK FOR AMERICA THAT'S AN ASSET FOR YOU ee: ee RF —. oe aoe ee ee T. S. S. MANHATTAN The largest American-built merchant ship now under construction for the United States Lines at the yard of the New York Shipbuilding Company. An Adequate American Merchant Marine: Will provide ships and seamen to safeguard the Nation in times of emergency. Will keep at home the vast and growing earnings of America’s overseas ° commerce. Will stimulate the construction of new vessels built with American materials by American labor. Will attract young Americans to the business of the sea and assure American citizens of a career in the operation of American ships in foreign trade. : Will build up bona fide steamship agencies under the direction of patriotic Americans in the great ports of the world. Will protect and expand America’s foreign markets and her world-wide commerce. Don't you want to patronize an American institu- tion that will give you such values as these 2 The most far-sighted Americans do. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Main Office and Yard: : New York Office: Camden, N. J. 420 Lexington Avenue SSL A cL a ee ee Lc ce ee ERIE AI MARINE REvIEw—April, 1932 69