PROMPT AND EFFICIENT REPAIR SERVICE Above: Former Diesel-Electric Oil Tanker Brilliant. This vessel, sunk as the result of an explosion and fire, was reconditioned and con- verted at Bethlehem’s Baltimore Plant to an oil barge for the Bouchard Transportation Company. At right: S. S. Garnet Hulings in 980-ft. graving dock at the Upper Yard of Baltimore Dry Docks Works, Baltimore Plant. BALTIMORE PLANT Beru_enem Shipbuilding Corpo- ration’s Baltimore Plant offers to ship- owners and operators unusually complete, convenient and modern facilities for handling any kind of a ship repair or overhauling job promptly, efficiently and at reasonable cost for the service rendered. The facilities of Baltimore Plant in- clude: Ample docking facilities, consisting of two floating dry docks, one of 20,000 tons and one of 6,000 tons; two graving docks, 614 ft. and 469 ft., respectively; and roomy pier and berthing space. Modern, well-lighted buildings with 88,000 sq. ft. of floor space, housing shops and equipment for handling any kind of ship repair work, regardless of its character, including the making and assembling of repair parts. Excellent crane service on all piers for the speedy handling of materials and equipment. Special conveniences to expedite work, such as Wheeler tank cleaning barge; plenty of electrical outlets on piers; air, steam and water lines of ample capacity, to all points; and exceptionally good lighting for night work. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD. General Offices: BETHLEHEM, PA. General Sales Offices: New York, 25 Broadway; San Francisco, 20th & Illinois Sts. District Offices: Boston, Baltimore, San Pedro HLEHEM « MARINE REview—April, 1932