SKIMMED MILK OR YEARS the American Merchant Marine has been getting “skimmed milk” from which the foreign-flag ships have taken the cream. In 1931 over 65 percent of America’s overseas commerce was carried in foreign ships. It is time we gave to our own ships a fair share of our patronage. It is time to ship and sail on American-flag vessels and so cure this condition of malnutrition with which our shipping has been afflicted since the days of the clipper ships. ~ es we oe oe vt vt os NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Main Office and Yard: New York Office: CAMDEN, N. J. 420 LEXINGTON AVENUE eae Jan., 1933, issue of Marine Review, published monthly at Cleveland, O. Entered as second class matter at the post office, ' lo, under the act of March 8, 1879. Subscription price $3 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4; Great Britain £1:45; single copies, 35c