Direct connected A.C. Generating Sets with Vertical or Horizontal Enclosed Self-Oiling Engines. 6.3 to 187 Kv-a. Enclosed Self-Oiling Engines for driving Pumps, Compressors, Fans and Stokers. Vertical or Horizontal. 1 to 450 h.p. Direct connected Marine D.C. Generating Sets with Vertical or Horizontal Enclosed Self-Oiling Engines. 1 to 150 Kw. Generators for gasoline or Diesel Engine Drive. D.C.—\g to 60 Kw. A.C.—1 to 62.3 Kv-a. M-33-1 hy Seatrains New York and Havana are Equipped with Troy-Engberg Engines for Compressor Drive . . . . . Troy-Engberg Advantages No oil leakage. Operation without cylinder lubrica- tion. Low, maintained, steam rate. Quick to start —no.long warming up. Su- perior speed control—con- stant voltage. Generous design—trouble-proof con- struction. Built to last— low maintenance cost. Backed by 45 years’ ex- perience in building ma- rine equipment. She New York and Havana in serv- ice between New York and Havana were built by the Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company for Seatrain Lines, Inc. They are 478 feet long. Each has a capacity of 100 loaded freight cars. These vessels are equipped with Troy-Engberg Fully Enclosed Self- Oiling Engines for operating the compressors. ‘The engines are piston valve type, 6 inch bore, 6 inch stroke, rated 25 horsepower at 410 RPM. They operate without cylinder lubrication with steam at 200 pounds pressure superheated 75°F, against 9 pounds back pressure. Troy-Engberg equipment was specified because it was found to have the points of superiority listed above. For interesting data on the construction and performance of Troy- Engberg Engines, Generators, and Generating Sets, drop a line to Troy Engine and Machine Co., 2253 Railroad Ave., ‘Troy, Pennsylvania, or just put this ad and your business card in an envelope and mail. OY-ENGBERG MARINE REVIEW—March, 1933 7