BETHLEHEM SHIP REPAIR FACILITIES are conveniently located ( AN FRANCISCO BOSTON HARBOR—Boston Plant: Atlantic and Simpson Works. BALTIMORE HARBOR—Baltimore Plant: Baltimore Dry Docks and Sparrows Point Works. SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR—Union Plant: Potrero, Hunters Point and Alameda Works. LOS ANGELES HARBOR—Union Plant: San Pedro Works. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, Ltd. General Sales Offices: New York City, 25 Broadway; roa «6G ENERAL OFFICES: { it as San Francisco, 20th and * On both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts Beth- lehem offers to shipown- ers and operators con- veniently located facili- ties to handle all types of ship-repair jobs... . Thoroughly modern shops, extensive dock- ing facilities, and trained personnel, are available to handle promptly and economically repairs of any nature to any type or size of vessel. BETHLEHEM, PA. Illinois Streets. District Offices: Boston, Baltimore, San Pedro * BETH “EHEM + John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius BOLAND & CORNELIUS VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS Marine Insurance Agents Marine Trust Building BUFFALO, N. Y. OLDMAN BOILER WORKS, Inc. Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY ELECTRIC WELDING Works: 36-40 Illinois Street BUFFALO, N, Y. FOR SALE Double End Ferryboat 40 Vehicle Capacity Beam Engine Ready for immediate service. For further par- ticulars or inspection—communicate with P. W. Pierson, Asst. to Vice-President, 80 Park Place, Newark, N. J. Phone Market 2-7000. RIVERSIDE and FORT LEE FERRY CO. Classified Advertisements WANTED: QNE MARINE ENGINE 18 x 20 or equal, high pressure. Address Box 4338, MARINE REVIEW, Penton Building, Cleve- land, Ohio. TUG PUCKASHAW-—-WOOD HULL. GROSS TONS—231. NET TONS —93. Length—96 ft. Width—26 ft. Draught 12.4 ft. Engine—500 h.p. 18% x 40 high pressure, complete with towing engine. Can tow 8000 cords pulpwood. Address Box 436, MARINE REVIEW, Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. STEAM STEEL TUG “LORENE’” 54 x 12 x 5 in good shape; % yard dipper dredge, pile driver, including scow ; 2000 lb. hammer; service scows, ete. Address Box 434, MARINE REVIEW, Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE: 95 FT. STEAMER. STEEL HULL. WRITE FOR INFOR- mation. DIVISION OF CONSERVATION, Columbus, Ohio. FOR SALE: WOODEN HULL TUG REBUILT IN 1930, 66 FT. KEEL, 17’ 6” beam and 10 ft. draft; boiler 7-6, 13 ft. fire box and 100 lbs. steam Steeple compound engine 14 high-30 low and 22” stroke. swings 7 ft. wheel with Dake steering engine. Would make a good hull for Diesel engine. Address Box 435, MARINE REVIEW, Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. HAVE YOU A BOAT OR EQUIPMENT FOR SALE? The classified section of MARINE REVIEW is for your convenience —its value is proving worthwhile to everyone who uses it to buy and sell. If you want to buy or sell ships or marine equipment—need a man for your organization—make it known to the entire marine industry through the use of classified advertising in MARINE REVIEW. Mail copy for your advertisement in the May issue today, so it reaches us before April 20. MARINE REVIeEw—April, 1933