BOULOGNE S‘MER ... RAILWAY DRY DOCK 1500 TONS CAPACITY JUST COMPLETED FOR THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT AT BOULOGNE- SUR-MER, THE LARGEST FISHING PORT IN FRANCE @® ANOTHER ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SUPERIORITY @ | THE CRANDALL ENGINEERING CO. CAMBRIDGE : MASSACHUSETTS Rae icl CHEAPER BY BOAT | | LEAKES / PEDICED For comfort, economy and real pleasure, noth- ing equals travel by the great ships of the C&B Line. From Cleveland to Buffalo fare is now only $3.75 one way or $6.50 round trip; week-end round trips only $3.75. Steamers each way leave at 9:00 P. M. — MS REDUCED- = Upper berths are now as low as $1.00; lower berths, $1.50; staterooms, $2.50 and $3,00. Par- lors, with and without bath, are proportionately lower. Excellent meals are offered at attractive prices. Ask your local tourist or ticket agent for C& B folders giving full detail of all tours, trips and services. Here are the lowest, most attractive automibite rates ever offered. From Cleveland to Buffalo, or Buffalo to Cleveland, one way $3.00 or $5.00 for the round trip. Cars over 120 inch wheelbase slightly higher. Round trip tickets give option of either Buffalo or Pt. Stanley Division. It’s cheaper to ship yourcar than to drive it,and you save aday. 193532 XPENSE JOURS These include return trips from Cleve- land to London, Ontario, to paged to CLEVELAND See BUFFALO plete World! and pee “seeing fare, NIAGARA FALLS included. Write fur special folders on these tours PORT STANLEY as well as regular trips to following points CANADA The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co, Bar tay.N- Me -Yod | <i o Buffalo, N.Y Cleveland, Ohio PUT-IN-BAY INDEX TO ADVERTISERS American Pad & Textile Co. American Ship Building Co............. Inside Front Cover Boland & Cornelius Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Crandall Engineering Co. General Electric Co. Hamburg-American Lines Jerguson Gage & Valve Co. New York Shipbuilding Co. .............. Inside Back Cover Oldman Boiler Works, Inc. Reading, E. H. Ritchie, E. S., & Sons Socony-Vacuum Corp. Sperry Gyroscope Co. Star Brass Mfg. Co. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co... eeeeeee Whitlock: Cordage Cos. o5i2ici nase lsastscccsssteueeee Back Cover BUSINESS COMES EASIER For those manufacturers whose products are nationally and favorably known as the result of proper advertising. The greatest business successes are ad- vertised products. Make it easier for your salesmen‘to sell your products by advertising them. 42 MARINE REVIEW—July, 1933