Which Country Wuat NATION is going to represent the United States and the best interest of our people in expanding our foreign trade? Certainly England is not going to do it; ae is not going to do it; Italy is not going to do it; France is not going to do it; Japan is not going to do it. Each of these powers is bending all of its energies now to capture the trade of the world, Foreign owners of shipping will carry our goods in normal times if it suits their convenience, but they are interested only in transportation and not in the development of markets for American products. Overseas trade must be secured and fostered in the same way as our domestic trade. It is not good business in either field to entrust the delivery of our goods to our competitors. We must awake from our lethargy and develop such a merchant marine as the independent sovereignty of this nation demands. o¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ % NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Main Office and Yard: New York Office: CAMDEN, N. J. : 420 LEXINGTON AVENUE MARINE REVIEW—July, 1933