Naval Shipbuilding Program Contracts Awarded N AUG. 3, only eight days after O bids were opened, Secretary of the Navy Swanson awarded contracts for the construction of 21 naval vessels to seven private ship- yards at a total bid cost of $129,777,- 600, and he also definitely allocated the construction of 16 additional naval vessels in eight navy yards. The contracts to private shipyards were awarded in each case to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids from 12 shipyards were received by the nav~ department and opened on July 26. The five yards who submitted unsuc- cessful bids were: the Sun Shipbuild- ing & Drydock Co., on one and two submarines; the Maryland Dry Docks Inc., on one and two 1500-ton de- stroyers; The Pusey & Jones Corp., on one 1500-ton destroyer; the War- wick Machine Co., on one and two 1500-ton destroyers; and the Gulf Industries Inc., a recently organized company, on one and three 1500-ton destroyers. Names of the successful bidders, the number and type of vessels and the total amount of the award are list- ed in the accompanying tables. The range in bids between high and low in each classification of vessels and for each condition is not excessive consid- Heavy and Light Cruisers Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd., Quincy, Mass.—Heavy cruiser No. 40 for the fixed price of $11,720,000, with- out adjustment for changes in labor and material cost. The next three bids for the same condition were $12,100,- 000 by the New York Shipbuilding Co.; Shipyard New York Shipbuilding Co.............. Newport News Shipbuilding & D.D. Co Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp............ Buth tron Works: Coppi si scene Federal Shipbuilding & DD. Co........ United Drv Docks Incl aioe crc. DISCtNC MOA WO, Go re ee ee ering the special experience and equip- ment of the yards and the amounts in- volved. A summary of the successful bids is given as follows: Aircratt Carriers Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News,. Va.—Air- craft carriers, Nos. 5 and 6, for the stated price of $19,000,000 each, sub- ject to adjustments for changes in the cost of direct labor and material with- in certain definite limitations. The next two bids for the same condition were $20,200,000 each by the New York Shipbuilding Co.; and $20,920,000 each by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Amount of Naval Work For Each Private Yard Number of Total Vessels Amount 6 $38,454,000 2 38,000,000 5 27,304,000 2 6,858,000 2 6,821,600 2 6,800,000 2 5,540,000 1 $129,777,600 $13,800,000 by the Newport News Ship- building & Dry Dock Co.; and $14,- 600,000 by the United Dry Docks Ine. Heavy cruiser No. 40 is the sixteenth 8-inch, 10,000-ton cruiser referred to in the London treaty and under the provisions of that treaty this vessel cannot be laid down before Jan. 1, 1934, with completion Jan. 2, 1937. New York Shipbuilding Co., Cam- den, N. J.—Two light cruisers of the Nos. 42 to 45 class for the fixed price of $11,677,000 each, without ad- justments for changes in labor and material cost. The next three bids for the same condition were $12,780,000 each by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Construction Awards for 37 Naval Wessels—Aug. 3, 1933 Private Shipyards Newport News Shipbuilding & D. D. Co..... Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp................ New York Shipbuilding Co. 0000. ee. Blecttic Bost Gos. oe as oe ee ee et Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp................ New Lock Shippulldime: Cor. is ee Bath tron Works: Coro. a a re es Federal Shipbuilding & D. D. Co............ Matted Dre Docks Ine... eae a SS BLGTEEH Fen ae RE SR A SG itu en eat GT MIN re ae = United States Navy Yards Number Type News Votes ee ere eS 1 Light Cruiser 4. secs, Pitladelplia. | oo ee a 1 Light ‘Cruiser... 45e ees Osho oe eee 2 Destroyertss: +. os Gee: Phiadewold ee) eee 2 Destroyers. 5. <2. ees NGM Va Sc ee eG es 2 Destroyers 3.65 he oa es Puget Sound. Wash. 660 ies eas ee 2 Destroyerssiiye5) es Wate tstend: Calta kan ee 2 Destroyers... 8202 o 0 sess Ney Oe en ea eee 1 Gun boats... 6. sre ee Ruetestan, S.C... ae i ee 1 Gunboates 2.66. os oes Portsmouth, Oe Fy oe ae se E Submarites: Gee. e's. lee es ee ee 16 rand Totals. oe ee es 37 To Private Shipyards Number Type Destroyers Destroyers Destroyers Destroyers Destroyers i) = NNN NNR bY To Navy Yards Aircrafe Carriers 0255. ¢ Heavy Cruiser No. 40... Light Cruisers Nos. 42, 45 Submarines 174, 175.... (18502ton) =: @L850-ton) =. (1500:ton) <<: (1500-ton)... (1500-ton)... Delivery Total (Months) Amount eee ie 36 & 40 $ 38,000,000 Ss 41 11,720,000 eo ea 36 & 40 23,354,000 ae 24 & 27 5,540,000 aa vee 15,584,000 Pee Aer 15,100,000 Repay Gene 27.8 30 6,858,000 PROS 27 230 6,821,600 Seas 26 & 28 6,800,000 $129,777,600 Delivery Total (Months) * Amount** Nis poe ae 36 $ 12,000,000 ey 36 12,000,000 oo ores 21. & 20. 7,000,000 as ls wa 27 & 30 7,000,000 ae 27 & 30 7,000,000 cae acres 21: & 39 7,000,000 Ge alec nane 27 & 30 7,000,000 Sie cones 18 1,500,000 eRe en 18 1,500,000 se bao 26 & 30 6,800,000 $ 68,800,000 $198,577,600 *Note:—No time of delivery has been announced officially. Time given is purely an estimate on the basis of time of delivery for similar vessels by private shipyards. **Note:—No official estimate of cost of vessels to be built in navy yards has been announced. The amounts given above are simpiy estimates in round numbers based generally on the price per unit in private shipyards. MARINE REVIEW—September, 1933 Ld