Give the boys a BIG HAND! Ee old method of scaling and painting vessels is slow and laborious Deck hands are handicapped when they have only hammer and chisel, paint pot and brush. The modern method is quicker, better, more economical. When the deck hand has Pneumatic tools at his disposal, supplied by air from a Westinghouse Air Compressor, he has enlarged facilities for doing the necessary work of keeping the ship shipshape. WESTINGHOUSE TRACTION BRAKE CO. Industrial Division Pittsburgh, Penna. The Westinghouse Steam Driven Air Compressor is compact, rugged, easily in- stalled. Ideal for use on board ship, in the harbor, or in the ship yard. Made in four sizes, 35, 49, 66 and 150 cu. ft. displacement. We also make a complete line of motor driven compressors. 8 MARINE REVIEw—December, 1933