on top of the flat skylight, with yard arm. The main propelling machinery consists of two Skinner unaflow type reciprocating steam engines, each having four cylinders of 19 inches diameter and 20 inches stroke. Each engine is direct connected through a Kingsbury thrust to line and propel- ler shafting. The two propellers, one on each shaft, are of bronze, four bladed and are 8 feet, 6 inches in diameter and 10 feet, % inch pitch. One is right hand and one left hand. They were made by Ferguson & Son, Hoboken, N. J. When operating on 275 pounds per square inch pressure steam with 200 degrees Fahr. superheat at the throt- tle and exhausting into a 26-inch vacuum, each engine will develop con- tinuously 1400-.shaft horsepower at 200 revolutions per minute. Steam consumption at full load condition is guaranteed not to exceed 11 pounds per shaft horsepower per hour. The engines are force lubricated by means of independent pumps for cir- culating oil through cooler and bear- ings. Cylinders are lubricated by a positive force feed pump, injecting pure mineral oil into the steamline ahead of the throttle valve and at each inlet valve. These engines were de- signed and built by the Skinner En- gine Co. Erie, Pa. Oil Burning Watertube Boilers Steam is supplied by two Babcock & Wilcox watertube marine boilers with a total heating surface of 3826 square feet for each boiler and a total superheating surface of 371 square feet for each boiler. The boilers are arranged for oil burning and are de- signed for a working pressure of 285 pounds per square inch at the super- heater outlet; also for superheat of 200 degrees Fahr. The boilers are constructed for a pressure of 3822 pounds per square inch and are equipped with soot blowers supplied by the Diamond Power Speciaity Corp. The fuel oil burning equipment was supplied by the Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp. It con- sists of eight model C air registers, each complete with a mechanicai pressure atomizing burner. Four burners are fitted to each _ boiler. Other auxiliaries in connection with the oil burning system are: two double boiler coil type fuel oil heat- ers; two 5% x 3% x 5 inches steam duplex horizontal pumps; also suc- tion and discharge strainers, oil meters, etc. Induced draft for the boilers is pro- vided by a motor driven fan supplied by the Buffalo Forge Co. This fan handles 30,000 cubie feet per minute, with a static pressure of 2% inches. It operates at 1102 revolutions per minute and a gas temperature of 750 degrees Fahr. 10 There is one 2-pass marine surface condenser, of Ingersoll-Rand high efficiency design, having 1625 square feet of tube surface. This condensing surface is made up of 788 admiralty metal tubes, 10 feet, 6 inches long by %-inch outside diameter of No. 18 Birmingham wire gage. The tubes are rolled into Muntz metal tube sheets at both ends. The condenser shell is made of welded steel construction ar- ranged with a welded steel expansion element to compensate for tube ex- pansion. There are two single stage air ejectors each of 34 pounds per hour free dry air capacity. The electric current for auxiliary power and lighting is furnished by two 50 kilowatts Westinghouse geared turbine generating sets, two wire, 125-volt,,direct current. The turbine operates on 275 pounds gage presure steam, 200 degrees Fahr. superheat, and 10 pounds per square inch back pressure. Pumps and Services A complete modern pumping equip- ment has been instaleld on the DrL- MARVA. The following pumps were supplied by the Warren Steam Pump Co., Warren, Mass. For main circu- lating water, one 14-inch single stage double suction pump driven by a Westinghouse turbine. Capacity of this pumps is 4000 gallons per min- ute at a 22-foot head. For fire and general service, one 12 x 8% x 12 inches, horizontal, duplex, piston pump with a capacity of 350 gallons per minute at a head of 150 pounds. Two boiler feed pumps, 12 x 7 x 24 inches, vertical, single, piston pumps. each with a capacity of 76 gallons per minute. For condensate, two 2- inch, single stage, double suction. horizontal centrifugal pumps with a capacity of 76 gallons per minute at 8 4-foot head, direct connected through flexible coupling with a 9 horsepower, 115 volts, direct current Westinghouse motor. The circulating pump turbine op- erates with steam at 285 pounds Ferry Steamer Delmarva, Bow View MARINE REVIEwW—January, 1934 pressure per square inch and 200 de- grees Fahr. superheat. The boiler feed pumps, and fuel oil pumps oper- ate on desuperheated steam of 275 pounds pressure per square inch. The general service pump, air ejectors, fuel oil heating coils, sea chests blows, steering engine and bilge ejec- tors operate on desuperheated re- duced steam’ at 150 pounds pressure per square inch. The whistle and ejectors operate on saturated steam and 322 pounds. Steam to heating units operate on reduced steam at 50 pounds pressure. Reduced steam at 15 pounds pressure is used for galley purposes. Back pressure in the gen- eral exhaust line from auxiliaries is 10 pounds pressure. Other engine room auxiliaries in- clude one improved Paracoil feed- water heater supplied by Davis En- gineering Corp. The coils are ar- ranged single pass and the capacity is 40,000 pounds of feed water per hour, heated from 100 degrees Fahr. to 230 degrees Fahr. with exhaust steam in heater shell at 10 pounds gage pressure. There are two Coch- rane 5-foot diameter conical strain- erless filters for oil removal service. The filtering material is magnetite ore. Other Auxiliaries Described For feed water treatment there are two coagulant chemical tanks. Two Griscom-Russell, multiscreen, feed water filters and grease extractors with a capacity of 40,000 pounds of condensate per hour at 130 degrees Fahr. have been installed. There are two Metropolitan double tube injec- tors with a capacity of 3100 gallons per hour. Auxiliaries in connection with lub- rication of the main engines include two Schutte-Koerting herringbone gear pump sets, each with doubie end motor and two pumps, having a capacity of 75 gallons per minute at 1150 revolutions per minute. One pump is to handle oil from the serv- ice tank to the engine bearing at 50 pounds per square inch pressure, and the other pump handles oil through cooler and strainer at 25 pounds per square inch pressure. Each pumping set is direct connected to a 71% horsepower Westinghouse motor. For centrifuging lubricating oil there is one motor driven super centrifuge with capacity of 85 gal- lons per hour, supplied by Sharples Specialty Co., Philadelphia. For lub- ricating oil cooling there is one coolex of Schutte-Koerting Co. make. Fuel oil is carried in two cylindri- cal tanks each of 8000 gallons capac- ity. Reserve feed water is carried in four cylindrical tanks each of 2460 gallons capacity. Drinking water is carried in two cylindrical tanks each of 500 gallons capacity. One Lonergan 10-inch chime whistle is installed on the stack.